38- The betrayal

After a brief moment of astonishment, Elder Duanmu managed to regain his composure and exclaimed in a confident tone, " Now that everyone is present, it is time for us to depart.

We must not be tardy for the Cloud Gathering. " He punctuated his words with a reassuring smile as if to dispel any lingering doubts or hesitations among the group.

Upon hearing Elder Duanmu's words, the expressions on everyone's faces transformed from surprise to delight.

They were all eagerly anticipating the upcoming Cloud Gathering, which was the most prestigious contest in all of Cloud City.

Their hearts brimmed with hope and excitement as they imagined the glory that awaited them.

With renewed enthusiasm, the group set out toward their destination.

The Wind Roc, with great speed, soared through the sky, making its way toward the Zheng Imperial Clan where the contest is being held.

Its majestic wings beat against the air, propelling it closer and closer to its destination.

Zhong Peng was experiencing a sense of nausea, being a novice traveler aboard a flying qi beast.

The velocity of the wind roc was far beyond his capacity to endure, and a significant amount of wind buffeted his face.

Despite this, Zhong Peng was determined to maintain a facade of strength, as he observed that the others appeared completely at ease.

He feared that any sign of weakness would only serve to make him appear inferior to others and provide Jingtao with yet another opportunity to mock him.

Zhong Peng had a keen eye for detail and he couldn't help but notice that Duan Jingtao was stealing glances at him now and then.

However, Zhong Peng's calm and collected demeanor seemed to irk Duan Jingtao, as he was hoping to see Zhong Peng struggle or falter in some way.

Duan Jingtao had been making various attempts to belittle and undermine Zhong Peng, but all his efforts appeared to be in vain.

This left Duan Jingtao feeling dissatisfied and disgruntled.

The Wind Roc was a magnificent sight to behold as it soared through the vast expanse of the sky.

With each powerful flap of its enormous wings, it propelled them closer and closer to their destination.

The sheer grace and strength of the Wind Roc were awe-inspiring, and it was clear that they were in the presence of a truly majestic creature.

Despite having a magical creature like Longwei at his disposal, Zhong Peng couldn't help but silently admire the speed and agility of the Wind Roc.

Its ability to traverse great distances in a short amount of time was truly remarkable, and Zhong Peng couldn't help but feel a deep sense of respect for the majestic creature.



Wan Lei stood before the entire clan, flanked by Zhong Yuan and several other elders of the Zhong Clan.

The atmosphere was tense as the clan leader, Zhong Li, knelt before them, his body riddled with injuries and blood dripping from various wounds, forming a small pool on the ground beneath him.

The scene was a brutal one, with the once mighty Zhong Li, leader of the second most powerful clan in the Wang Kingdom, now kneeling before the elders of his clan and the cunning Wan Lei.

His body was riddled with injuries, and blood flowed freely from the wounds, creating a gruesome sight that was hard to bear.

After a long silence, Zhong Yuan finally spoke with a righteous tone, his words cutting through the tension in the air. "Zhong Li, as the leader of the Zhong Clan, it was your duty to protect and serve your people. Instead, you chose to steal from the clan's treasury for your selfish gain," he proclaimed, his words ringing out with a sense of moral authority.

The accusation was a serious one, and the weight of it hung heavily in the air, as the clan looked on in disbelief at the revelation.

Despite his injuries, Zhong Li raised his hand with great effort and pain, his eyes blazing with anger as he addressed Zhong Yuan. "Zhong Yuan!" he shouted, his voice filled with contempt. "You old dog, for the sake of your selfish interests, you teamed up with this old fogey to set me up!" He paused, coughing up a mouthful of blood before continuing. "You deceitful bastard!" The accusation was a serious one, and the weight of it hung heavily in the air, as the clan looked on in shock and disbelief at the explosive exchange.

The tension in the air was palpable, as the two men faced off against each other, their animosity reaching a boiling point.

Zhong Yuan bellowed with fury, "How dare you utter such words!"

Wang Lei's voice boomed throughout the room, filled with anger and indignation. "Insolence! How dare you accuse me of such things? Are you courting death? How dare you speak such words about I Wang Lei"

With an angry wave of his hand, Zhong Yuan commanded, "Take him away!"

"Old dog Wang Lei, your days of reckoning are upon you," declared Zhong Li. " And as for you, Zhong Yuan, you have betrayed our clan for your selfish interests. Even a dog's death would be too honorable for you. " Zhong Li turned to face Zhong Yuan as he spoke these words, his voice filled with disdain and contempt.

Zhong Li laughed out loud, a bitter and sorrowful sound that echoed through the hall.

He was being dragged away by people who had once adored him as their clan leader, and the irony of his fate was not lost on him.

But despite the pain and humiliation, Zhong Li endured it all, and his laughter slowly faded away as he was dragged farther and farther from the safety and comfort of his former life.