Chapter 13: Bloodpine Forest Raid - Phase 2 [Rally! Silver Valkyries!]

A thunderous crash of lightning struck the village square; both demons became bathed in a vile, malicious black lightning as their muscles, bodies, and powerful auras surged.

[The demons seem to have decided to end your life here, Zell Delacroix, what will you do?] 

Yanfra's voice was stern, cold and mature.

Nothing like her normal speaking voice; there were no perverted jokes or signs of her being a feline, a husky voice like what Yinfra would normally use.

[Will you fight? Or shall we help you escape? Understand the chance of your survival is below 40%]

Yinfra spoke with a gentle but confident tone. Her usual self was completely changed as their words resounded inside Zell's head, still pounding as his demonic blood pulsed through his veins, healing the wounded flesh on his body.