Chapter 14: Forging A Path Without God!

Zell's halberd tore through the demon's flesh like melted butter as Azmael screamed in pain, grasping his crotch with two arms, trying to defend himself from the onslaught of blows from Zell with his body flashing through the air at high speed like a ghost.

"Don't test me, mongrel!" 

As the demon shouted, a burst of black energy shot from Azmaels body; several people were knocked back and fell to the floor; even Zell began to slide across the stone floor before a solid hand stopped him.

Zell turned around to see who steadied him before a beautiful woman's face covered by silver helped and smiled at him. 

Her lips glistened pink with a faint glitter, with a small nose and soft round cheeks bulged a little as she smiled like a seductive fox as her silver armour rattled, cushioning the blow.