Chapter 26: I, Your Father, Will Crush The Divines!

Zell didn't wait for them to move or take action, his body instantly transforming into his demonic dragon form with four wings.

His body shot into the sky within seconds, and his face had no playful look like with the demon prince.

The force caused his body to fly rapidly towards the brilliant light, with wings tearing through the air with powerful movements.

"Demon!" Sion shouted in shock. She saw Zell as she was pushed back by the wind created by his wing beats.

In an instant, his form changed, and Zell became a demon; the wings ripped open, giving him a speed that made him seem superhuman. He reared above their heads and descended, landing smoothly with two gigantic black weapons.

An Axe in one hand, A sword in the other as he looked at the four angels, all of them only with 2 wings, but they looked at him with hostile glances due to his demon wings, not even recognising his dragon ones.