[Bonus chapter]Chapter 27: Father

Zell's body was steaming from the fierce amount of divine magic used to try to smit him, but there was no damage bar a few singed hairs.

Fluttering his wings, he landed on a riverbank.

To his surprise, many small huts were built under the surface... they were not built with wood but a strange type of leaf and floated along with the movement of the water.

"How pretty and well hidden," Zell muttered—he might never have found this place if not for the angels, not that he wanted to attack or invade it...

Because when he came close, he could feel countless creatures that seemed to share a bond with him, not just one or two but nearly a dozen, maybe two.

However, he was overwhelmed by a strange feeling when he stepped into the water.

The peaceful river, around 30 metres in diameter and extremely deep, suddenly became hostile—he should have known when the area was empty of all monsters in a 5-mile radius that something was strange.