Chapter 14: Drunk

For hours, I paced back and forth in my dorm—until the door suddenly swung open. Liz came stumbling in, drunk and giggling.

Zayn followed behind her. “Babe, watch it,” he said and caught her before she tripped over a pair of shoes behind our loveseat.

“Hey, Zayn,” I said. “She’s uh. . .”

“Three sheets to the wind,” he said.

“Yeah. I’ll take care of her.”

Zayn chuckled. “Okay. I’ll get her to her bed.” Zayn lifted her bridal style and took her to her bed. He maneuvered her as he pulled the blankets out from under her. He took her shoes off before covering her. He kissed her. “Sweet dreams, baby.”

“Awe, you too,” she cooed. “I love you. Stay with me.”