Chapter 16: Rumors

The café in town had the best coffee. It was even better than the coffee I had from the coffee shop in Spearfish by the college. Deadwood only had one café—probably due to the insignificant size of the town.

The café was anything but modern. It looked like something straight out of the 50s with its white and black checkered flooring and white and red booths. If I had to guess, they haven’t updated anything since it opened.

Of course, my assumption could be wrong. Perhaps, whoever owned the café wanted to take people back in time to an easier time. The 50s and 60s were the perfect white picket fence days.

I mean, part of me considered how many movies were possibly filmed in this café—completely retro. I admired the owner’s taste, though. Regardless of how vintage it was, it was timeless. A piece of art if you asked me.