Chapter 18: Don't Force It

Fall was definitely approaching Deadwood, South Dakota. My lungs filled with the crisp air, and when I exhaled, I saw my breath. I wrapped my arms around myself and shivered slightly. The moon was full, but a dark grey cloud interrupted it slightly, making it look like Pac-Man.

It was dark, and a dark fog hung low to the ground. The fog was thick enough that I really couldn’t make anything out. The park was a bit eerie at nighttime.

“I’m glad you came,” a deep voice echoed.

It startled me, and I jumped. I spun in a circle and stopped when my eyes caught a dark shadowy figure standing against an Eastern Red Cedar tree. My heart flew up to my chest as a knee-jerk reaction.

He wore a black hoodie and dark blue jeans. Being a shifter gives me the ability to see, hear, smell and taste better than an average human. I could smell his cologne from here. It hit me harder than it should—almost as if I had known the smell my entire life.