Chapter 19: Gossip

Due to the rain, I took my car to school instead of my bike. Grams planned to pick me up the following weekend, and I would drive my bike back as long as it wasn’t raining. I was able to pack my car with the things I left behind.

The school parking lot was still mostly empty by the time I arrived Sunday morning. Subconsciously, I gazed around the parking lot. It didn’t occur to me right away that I was looking for the black GTO, but it hit me when I realized it wasn’t in the lot.

I grabbed a few things from the trunk of my car and started for the dorms. Halfway down the hall, I saw Liz on her phone and unlocking the door.

She happened to look my way, and I gave her the best wave I could manage, considering how full my hands were. She smiled and waved back at me. She said goodbye to whomever she was talking to and stuffed her phone in her jacket pocket.

Liz grabbed a few bags from me and helped me get into the dorm. “Wow, you got a lot more stuff now.”