Chapter 29: Official

Telling Silas about Max was a huge step for me and for us. We hadn’t made anything official, but neither of us was seeing other people, and we made our feelings for each other clear. I knew I didn’t have to worry about sleeping with him and then him doing what Max did.

Silas was a man, not a boy, who didn’t play games. He was blunt. Once his eyes were set on what he wanted, he chased after it—kind of like how he chased after me. Silas was nothing if not persistent.

Half of me was nervous. Silas didn’t drag me to his dorm just to get me into bed, but if I had the feeling something could happen, I was sure the thought crossed his mind too.

As I suspected, Zayn wasn’t in the room. We took our shoes and coats off.

“I have some leftover pizza if you’re hungry.”

I shook my head. “Honestly, I filled up on croissants and donuts.”