Chapter 30: Confrontation

That morning the schoolyard was mostly empty. Unfortunately, there was one figure in the yard. Tanner stood by a tree, watching me closely. I ignored him the best I could as I strode across the yard toward my dorm building.

Tanner approached me. I spun to face him, and my long, flowy black cardigan blew out behind me. Despite the sudden movement, my hood stayed on my head. He stopped a few yards from me.

“Katrina, such a sight. That messy red hair of yours looks like sex hair. Did Silas finally get between your legs?”

I gritted my teeth in anger, and the adrenaline that pulsed through me could be dangerous for anybody who stood too close. My eyes narrowed at him. Wind rustled the trees, and thunder shook the ground beneath my feet. The storm came out of nowhere. My hood flew off my head, and my brownish-red hair blew out like a flame behind me.