Unorthodox Encounter...

It has been 2 weeks since that truck incident.

Feng was challenged by the college exams, so he did not have much time for the change in the profession and he totally focused on the exam on his hand first. In the meantime. The system also seemed to be updated when he did not choose to change in profession for 2 continuous days.

Similarly, Lan and her sisters had been busy with the new business project and were able to complete it within a week. Since then, they also focused on the exam and helped Feng in studying too.

The daily life of Feng and Quintuplets did not change much, until the next morning of the month when the examination of college was completed, with Feng's victory over the sisters. As he ranked at the top again, making Li Hua and Li Bi a little frustrated. But none of them complained about it, as they knew how hard Feng worked for the last few weeks.

Feng woke up every morning to do some exercise every day.

Today was also not that special, as he had come out to train like always. When he was done training for the morning, he felt that his body's martial art has finally sunk inside his bone, and he might be able to release Inner Qi.

Which signified that he had already reached the first layer of inner training and 2nd layer of body martial art Qi refining state.

'Let's see!' With the twist of his body and breathing rhythm syncing, a powerful blast of strength and technique, stirred the air a little.

Which was the sign of releasement of Inner Qi, and the power within the fist was good enough to kill a boxing athlete from his previous world in a single punch.

Not to say that his body is not even in the heavy class, Feng believes that with his speed, he might end up playing the fastest man in his previous world to death.

120 Kg at least huh?

Feng believed that his fist is already that heavy and packed that much stronger with his body, which was limiting his strength to a large margin.

"I can at least release, ten times of this strength, but that will injure my hand to a large margin. While I will deplete all of my inner Qi in that attack."

Analyzing was Feng's best talent, which he was born with. Although the above estimation was not on point one, it should be around that level.

Not wanting to waste his time, Feng jogged back toward the building but on the way to his home, he found his system sending a quest sound. Which felt rather refreshing, after hearing it after such a long time.

[_Quest_] ↦ [Sub-Quest] ↦ [Protect, a human is attacked by the hybrid citizen at the fountain palace at the center of the park. Save the human and his guardian from getting killed, for an unjust reason.]

Feng was silent, as it was the first time he heard about a hybrid citizen, but he still dashed as fast as he could toward the fountain palace, which was not that far from him. But the moment he was about to reach the place, he found the trees in the surroundings clawed by some kind of beast, and the sound of collision can be heard from his location.

"They are around the peak of external martial arts." Feng was able to judge their strength by the sound of the collision, so he picked up his speed toward the fountain. When he saw a tiger-like human-shaped monster, which was something new to him.

The guard took a blow, even though he guard it with his closed arm. He was pushed back a lot by the force of the collision. At which, the man by the guard's side paled, looking at his friend's condition. "Master! Run, it is not something I can take on. In this manner we both will die, so you can run and get to the roadside. There is no way, that this monster will follow you there."

The guard old man seemed really worried about the man behind him, as he spoke while blood sipped through his nose. His breathing was ragged and uneven, he was at this moment only capable of holding the beast down.

So, making a wise judgment, he wanted his savior to take leave before he could die at the hand of an outlaw like this. "Nice judgment, but I am a white-clan outlaw. Known for their speed, it will only take 5 seconds for me to close up with that human behind you. Then, he would only wait for his death without your help." The jaguar-like man spoke while looking at humans in front of him when a young voice ranged beside him.

"Fuck, an animal that can speak..." Feng could not help but curse when he heard the animal speaking in such English fluently. Which attracted the attention of three of them, as they looked at Feng stunned.

"You boy! Just run, what the hell are you doing here? Trying to court your own death or something." The respected old man, shouted as he looked a little angry at Feng's stupid action, but the jaguar-like man only sneered, as he had sensed this kid for a long time. So, after killing them both, he was thinking of finishing him off too.

"Hmm! But he is a sensor, and he was able to locate me from the beginning. So, there was no point in running away." Feng pointed at the hybrid and spoke. At this, the two humans turned silent as they looked at Feng with dubious looks.

"Wow! Kid you are amazing, but it is a pity a kid like you had to die today. Or else, both of you and that old man could have become amazing fighters." hybrid truly thought that way, as his words come out naturally. After all, all three of them were about to die, so there was no reason for him not to praise them for their talent.

"Thanks! But I don't need one..." Feng spoke again, but this time he released turbulent Inner Qi which turned the air around him stir. Changing his whole persona, when he looked at his opponent and launched the first attack.

Feng dashed, at 10 meters per second speed, which is impossible for any normal person to see. But the beast was able to keep up with Feng's speed, through his eyes. Although, even to him, Feng only appeared as a blur when Feng's punch came in striking his chin.

Rotating its body hybrid, dodged Feng's punch as he also kicked a round whole kick toward Feng's chest, which was amidst initial motion. Bending his body, at which Feng's legs were ragged by the ground, but he was able to avoid the kick. Leaving the hybrid open from the back, Feng used this chance, to kick jump up on the ground and sent a whipping kick to the neck of the opponent.

Hybrid felt thrilled the moment he sensed the kick on his neck. Jumping up he took the impact on the back, which sent him tumbling forward feeling astonished about the half-backed kick being this strong.

Using the motion, he was able to turn back at the kid fluently. Jendorg felt the kid was the real deal and the inner Qi master. "Whose disciple are you kid, to have such strength in this age... Don't tell me, you were going back home after morning training or something, Huh." Jendorg laughed at his bad luck while looking at the kid in front of him.

"Yeah! But the hell with your skin. Such a strong defense, not to say that speed which can keep up with me. Are you really an outer layer master only, or are you trying to hold back against us for some reason?" Feng shook his leg, which hurt like hell from a single kick as he looked at the opponent with a belly full of curses. As he looked at the training lower, which was gifted by Rong only a day before, and now it was completely ruined.

"Oi! Oi! My back is killing me, you know." Looking at the roadside, Jendorg felt the tide was turning against him, so he smirked at the kid and kicked a tree with his full strength. Sending it toward the human behind the kid, as he dashed toward the opposite side.

Jumping up, and using his kick as an axe. Feng planted the flying tree on the ground, although it was between the rock path, which made it look really weird. But till then, the opponent was already away from his sight inside the forest area.

"Damn he is a sharp one..." Looking at the quest, he found that he had achieved 100% for this sub-quest and his reward was almost doubled.

[Reward: Monkey Spirit Wine (100 years old.) X 10]

"This is great, although it is only made by the spiritual beast Monkey tribe. It can definitely have a lot of benefits for a mortal like me." Feng spoke, as he looked at the quest reward log and smiled. But this time after the update, the system looks were changed to a more prominent one where he found Quest Log, Reward List, and five other tabs.

"Good morning master..." Feng was enjoying the look of the system and reward. When he heard the old guard and his master calling him Master.

"Eh! Please don't speak with me in such honor. I am just a small junior at best, both elders can call me by my name Feng." Feng felt a little awkward, having such a big man and elder on top of that to call him master. After all, it only took him a month to acquire such strength, so he did not feel like deserving such a position.

But in the eyes of Elder Huang and Elder Mo, the little brother in front of them was just being humble due to their age. "Haha! Sure, then allow us to call young master Junior brother Feng if possible." Elder Huang felt truly happy, to have such an encounter with young talent like Feng, who was still covering his face with a mask.

"Ah! This mask was stuffing." Feng took off the mask, as he looked at Elder Huang and Elder Mo who had introduced themself a few minutes ago. So, he helped them both with his car, which was standing just outside the park. As he had asked Fatty Duan to bring one so that he can send them home, and leave everything to him.

"Haha! Then little brother Feng, please allow us to welcome you to a banquet tonight. Use this card, to come and allow us to thank you properly for the timely help."

Accepting the card, he thought of inviting little sister Bao. Given Elder families hold grand hotels in the surrounding cities and control them. Bao'er favorite cheesecake was also from the same shop as theirs, so he could tell that she would definitely enjoy that party.