Foolish Worries.

Feng did take notice of his peeled leg area. It was something that was left due to that strike, which struck the Jendorg back. Seemingly the guard on that monster's back was strong enough, to injure his leg.

In the meantime.

In the silent alley, a figure of a jaguar-human appeared who seemed to be injured. While his whole body was shaking from within.

"Fuck that brat, he was an assassin type. Sending shockwaves in my body through that kick. If I would have continued to fight, then I would have died without realizing my situation." Jendorg cursed, at his injuries as he felt a little afraid of that kid.

But it was also a good thing, given with this, those who are strongest in the area would definitely target that kid and will get killed in the action. Leaving him the sole exception, who knew about the true strength of that kid and did not mess with him.

"I should disappear. Only then I will be able to avoid him, also for others. I will tell them all to disperse and to avoid that kid only, at all costs."

Jendorg's actions were prudent and thorough, as he left the city in an hour until then Feng was back at the hotel. And was thinking of preparing some food for Lan and the other girls.

'Those sleepy heads.' Shaking his head, he walked toward the kitchen and prepared a light breakfast for the girls. When Lan woke up earlier than the other girls, so she decided to help Feng with the dish.

"Good morning princess Lan." Hearing Feng, she chuckled, but for some reason, Feng felt that she was not that happy today.

Although it could be due to the workload from another side, so he thought for a moment and decided to massage her head, after her work is done.

"Lan, when will you be free tonight? There is an invitation that was given to me by someone I met this morning." Lan shook her head, seemingly still tired and sleepless at the moment.

So, he forced her to sit on the sofa in the living room and used his inner force to ease her temple, which made her sleep on the sofa again.

Bringing a blanket, he covered her and put a pillow below her head. "Idiot, taking so much pressure for some useless work, I will try to find a competent assistant for her." The girls were brilliant, but working all day would only destroy their bodies.

So, having a capable assistant in a time like this is a good choice.

"Feng! Ah, I slept again." After an hour when the food was prepared, Feng choose to wake Lan up, who blushed at the sight of Feng.

Sitting by her side, and looking at her when she was sleeping on the sofa.

"Haha! What is there to blush about it, also I have prepared the food. Come and have some food on the table. Where I'll go and wake up others too." Lan smiled at him, as he left the room.

Never did it appear to Feng, that the moment he walked out of his room. Lan looked extremely down, looking at the food on the table.

'Ah! He left... I hope I will get to see you from now on too, Feng. Also, I am sorry for not telling you about that. I hope you will take care of my sisters.' Lan muttered, at the sight of Feng as she took a bite of the food and felt happy.

After all, it was really delicious thing, but she might not be able to enjoy it again in the future.

When Feng came back with the others, he found the note telling him that she had something to do, so she was going out.

Rong thought that it was weird, but given the workload, it did not come as a surprise to her either.

As there were many things that needs Lan's expertise, hence, her leaving this early in the morning was to be expected.

"Oh! Don't worry about her speed, it will be over this afternoon. After that, all of us can go to have a vacation, what do you think Feng."

It was Hua, that bring out that topic and after that, a string of suggestions appeared and it was decided to go to the beach, after that.

To Feng that was a good thing, as he would be able to enjoy summertime with these girls. When Rong also suggested taking Feng's sister with them, given after this summer. She would also come to give the entrance exam for their college.

"Having us teach her during the vacation, she will have a perfect chance to get admitted to our college and she can also relax a little." Rong pushed her opinion without caring about how Feng thought about it.

Although it was just like her, so Feng could tell. That there was no way, out of something like this, and agreed with her.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon and Feng was called by an unknown number. "Hello!" Feng picked up the call and heard the familiar sound of the old man from the morning calling him from the party side.

"Little Brother Feng. This is old man Huang from the morning, I had thought about how I did not tell you about the location of the party. So, I had sent a guard of mine from the morning to get you here."

"Haha! Yeah, I got it I will be coming with my girlfriend in a few minutes." Feng ended the call with a sweat on his head, as he thought about how that old man found out about him, from just a day worth of time.

But he did not seem to be on the opposite side to him, so he did not mind having him find out about his identity.

"Bao'er..." Feng got inside the ladies' room to call Bao, as they might need to head out sooner than he thought. Where other three girls, were not interested in things like parties, so they decided not to go there.


It only took Feng a minute to get changed, as he waited for Bao'er who appeared after taking 15 minutes to change in.

But her look took the breath out of Feng, the moment she walked out in a white and greenish texture party gown.

It was the first time, that he had seen one of the girls in her party dress. But for some reason, he did not want others to look at them in this dress. A complicated feeling like that was born inside his chest.

"Feng!" Li Bao blushed, as she found Feng staring at her with a dazed look.

Although, she also felt a little happy about it, feeling and hearing the chuckles from her behind. She felt a little embarrassed about his reaction.

"Ah! Bao'er looks really pretty. It took away my breath, this is the first time I had seen any of you dressed up like this." Embarrassed, yet happy. Feng tried to explain himself, but that only made other girls laugh at his action.

"Common be a man, held her waist and take her outside Feng. It is the moment you have to be a man about it, you know." Rong slammed her fist on his back, pushing him toward Rong, who blushed further looking at Feng up close.

'Hmm.' Taking a deep breath, Feng held her hand and walked as he said his goodbye to other and to wait for them. He lead Bao'er out of the room, which made the other three a little jealous but happy for them.

"They will be fine. He is the man she chooses to believe in, also sister Lan was so confident about. But was it fate, that he was asked to join the same party, that sister Lan was asked to attend for getting engaged to Huang Shindo?" Rong spoke.

Where Hua and Binger looked very serious, as they felt a little disgust toward their mother's action and their father's incompetence.

"He will take them both back, I am very sure about it. After all, now he is the 3 richest person in the entire Greenwine City." After getting a 20% share of the Royal Club House Street.

Feng got control over the building complex and hotel next to there, and along with that, he had also gotten total control over the Shopping complex in the center of the city.

Which was the reason why he was able to get them the contract their company needed.

So, along with all the shares they had gotten, they all transferred him. The total percentage of the Royal Club House street which was taken by Feng reached 28%, making him the third most important figure in Greenwine City.

Although, it was something only Rong knew about. But hearing the news about her sister, and making sure that Hua and Binger will not panic. She decided to tell them about it. Whereas Bao'er and Lan were still clueless about it.

"Haha! How will they feel when they will learn how Feng had already surpassed us in terms of business too." Hua laughed, given all five of them were always in the contest with Feng. Given studies, about projects, and even about date timing.

Which always keeps them pushing themself to the limit and capabilities.

"Let's go, we have to find a new design to keep up with him. I do not want to lose to that idiot like this alright..." Rong muttered, as she turned to enter the room, where Hua and Binger also resolved themself to draw a new design for the next summer sale.

"Let's aim for the Street Draw fashion show. With that, we will be able to tap into the market of other 7 major cities too."

Binger spoke to Hua, who also nodded at her, as they walked inside the room with the burning spirit of surpassing Feng.