
The party was held, in the hall of Huang's family restaurant. That was located at the center of the city, where his shopping complex was situated.

While the revenue generated from that place per month is equal to 20 to 30 million. Where Feng has already gotten his first month's revenue from it, but he felt the amount was not satisfactory.

So, he decided to open a small bar at the outer edge, which can generate a large amount of money for him.

Although, the supply and other stuff related to the bar was dealt with by fatty Duan, who was an expert when it get to holding onto wine from all across the country.

Feng visit the bar from time to time, and seven day after the opening. The bar generated around 900 thousand RMD for him, without any problem.

Where Feng felt that it was just the beginning since this business had a lot of potential, but it is still at an early age and will continue to grow from this point on.

The car which was sent to pick him and Bao'er up was good, where Old man Mo kept on praising him for his help from the morning.

While Bao'er enjoyed the time, listening to the tale of Feng who was able to take on an opponent as strong as that.

Still, she felt a little sad when she heard about Feng's injury and realized, how none of them were able to tell. Even though, he had been beside them and was taking care of them with such injuries for the whole day.

'Stupid Feng!' She inwardly commented, but also held his arm with the little strength she could muster when sitting beside him.

Feng was not a stupid person, he was able to tell how much he worried Bao'er but he also wanted to reassure her, that he was strong enough to protect himself.

But telling her by mouth did not feel right to him, so he thought that he would show them someday. That he was strong enough, to keep them all safe on his own.

"Here we are. Little brother Feng and sister, please come down we are there." The car came to a stop in front of a huge hotel, which was shining with light and festivity all around the corner.

But Feng when looked at the name almost ended up smiling.

'Huang Mo Hotel.' The name of the hotel was way too obvious, even Elder Mo blushed in shame when he saw Feng holding back his laughter at the sign.

"Haha! Brother Feng does not have to stop his laughter. After all, it is something that the stupid old man decided on his own. Even I was embarrassed at the name of it, at first."

Hearing Elder Mo's words, Feng shook his head and calmed his mind with a deep breath.

"Elder Mo, although it looks simple, I can also feel the respect Old Huang had for you. To share the name of the hotel, which was an important part of his success."

Hearing Feng saying those words, Old man Mo felt relieved to think that there were others, who also felt the same manner he did after a year of embarrassment, in his past.

"Thank you little brother Feng. Please enter the hotel, given I had something to do and will catch up in due time." Walking toward the guard, he spoke something to him and asked him, to escort Feng and Bao'er with him.

Due to this, the poor young guard ran with the utmost dignity and greeted them very politely.

"Senior, please come with me. I will guide you to the main reception where Senior Head is waiting for you."

Looking at the guy who was treating them in such a manner, Feng could not help but feel a little awkward. Given the guy seemed to be from the third year of their college.

After they were brought in by the seniors of their college. He was starting to converse normally with them, just as he used to treat his juniors in college. Although, it took a lot of effort from Feng to make the guy stop speaking like that.

'I hope old Huang won't be on the front, or else, senior will start talking like that again.' Well, one of the conditions of it was that the senior would need to be respectful to him, in front of Senior Huang and Senior Mo.

When Bao and Feng were walking inside the door, Feng found a resembling figure of Lan, who was still wearing her office clothes and was talking with a man along with another woman beside her.

'That woman is very close to the 5 sisters.' With a glimpse, Feng was able to tell that the woman was Quintuplet's mother.

"Mom! Sister Lan, what are you both doing here." Bao'er was very close to Lan among all the sisters beside her. This might have been a reason why when she looked at Lan, who was talking with others, looked almost like, about to cry.

Lan trembled, as she turned to look at Feng and Bao'er. A little wetness appeared beside her eyes, but she hid it very quickly. Though, for Feng and Bao, Lan's little actions were clearly visible which made Feng very angry, as he walked toward her.

"Lan, what happened?" Feng did not hold back, as he walked beside his girl and patted her head gently. Speaking to her, he also looked carefully at the man beside him and the woman whose face seemed to be sunken, by his entrance.

"Feng! What are you..."


"It's alright! I can tell what was going to happen, with a single glance. Also, who gave you permission to leave my side, Huh." Within those words, Lan remembers the first date when he said that as long as she accept his proposal, she would be his woman.

But now, when he is speaking the same thing, with a different sentence. She could not help but find, a trace of helplessness and happiness within her chest.

"Ah! The useless guy who wants to marry Lan, Huh." The guy was about to belittle Feng when he saw a beautiful girl, similar to Lan.

But was dressed up in the midnight party gown, which made her look like a fairy pure and untainted in the world. Sucking away all the words from his mind, he was left dazed looking at her.

"Bao'er... I am." Lan looked at her sister, who was dressed so beautifully that even she was stunned looking at her for a second.

But her sister was smarter when it come to relationships than her, as she could tell why sister Lan was here and for what, the reason she did not want to get them involved in it.

"Mom! Stop messing with us. I used to ignore it, but this will be the last time, that you will push something like this on my sister." Li Bao was really angry at this moment, as she looked at her mother and turned to face Huang Luo.

"She is not interested in you and will not marry you, so I hope you will stop pestering her when you are looking at me with such a disgusting gaze."


Feng Lin was surprised. It was the first time, that he had seen Bao'er this side. Making him feel really excited, as he looked at the man's face, which had turned black, and sneer at him.

Along with the commotion, all the guests turned to look at Li Bao, and then looked at Huang Luo. When Huang Luo's big brother came from the other side, he excitedly looked around for someone and found him, standing at his brother's side.

"Senior Fe..." His mood turned sour. When he looked at his brother, who was about to slap the girl beside Feng, but his hand was caught by Feng Lin. "Say! How should I kill you, or will you leave this hand of yours for your repentance."

Feng Lin wanted to mess with this guy, so he deliberately let out some of his killing essences, making him freeze amidst his actions.

The silent atmosphere became frozen, as all the other people turned silent, looking at Feng's smile which turned into the smile from the devil itself.

After all, all of them had been working in the upper echelon of society for the last 30 years, where they had met many masters too. But the pressure Feng released was surreal, pressuring each and every one of them down.

This kind of pressure was something only those in the inner Qi realm can release, and the martial art expert around them knew of it. So, none of them had the guts to step up for the poor lamb, which is needed to slaughter to vent this devil's anger.

"Feng! You are already in the Internal realm of martial art." Of course, Lan and Bao'er were aware of it, as the little pressure around them. They could tell, that it was Feng who was releasing such pressure through his sheer will.

"Hehe! I am just lucky, I accidentally broke through while training." At Feng's words, all the martial artist which were present in the venue turned silent.

As they all felt that their internal organ might turn upside down. If they let a genius like him, speak, any further than that.

"Brother Feng! What happened here, all of you tell me what happened here." Old Huang came rushing in, after all, the tremendous pressure from before.

Sent a wave of pressure over to the other area too, which made him feel anxious. As he came rushing here, seemingly guessed that something had pissed Feng Lin.

It was a minute ago.

Old Huang was talking with a business dealer from a certain company. When a rush of pressure descended on them, making the person faint who was a little weak hearted.

In that instant, Old Huang recalled, a few people that he had called and were in the Inner Qi realm. So, from that point on, he was able to guess, that something like this can only be caused by Feng Lin.

As he remembers this tingling pressure from his morning fight, but at that moment Feng Lin was releasing a pound of it.

Which even caused him to puke out in blood. But at the moment, the intent did not seem to be that heavier.

'Thank god, brother Feng is not that serious. Or someone from the party might have ended up dying due to this pressure alone.'

When Old Huang saw Feng snickering face, he felt a little relieved but he was also angered by the idiot, who had caused all of this.