Cloth Shopping.

Bringing Lan and Mai together for some shopping, Mai assisted Feng with Lan's case, as she occasionally pushed Lan together with Feng.

Lan would blush as she turned to look at Mai's innocent face, unable to say anything negative about the little girl. Similarly, she is powerless in the face of the Bao'er case. So, in the end, she'd just pinch Feng to relieve her frustration at feeling helpless in the face of a duo like them.

"Feng, that shop looks good; it is a brand that Bao'er tends to go to and has a long history with." Lan found a certain brand with the name 'Horizon,' which was like my boom for Bao'er, and thought about how Mai's dressing sense matches her sister Bao.

Feng Lin, who was not well versed in ladies' dressing sense, could only agree with Lan's recommendation, and Mai felt the same way in this case.

"Oh, this brand, huh?" When Feng Lin looked at the brand's name, he noticed that it was similar to the name of Bao'er favorite magazine.

Although he forgot about it in the end, he made a mental note of it this time.

The other customer noticed Lan and Mai as soon as they walked into the store. He or she was drawn to the two pretty ladies.

As opposed to Mai, whose straightforward High School beauty made everyone who saw her feel young. Lan, on the other hand, has that mature and innocent charm, and it was this combination that made those males hesitate to leave their gaze on her figure.

"Sir, are you shopping as well, or are you with the two ladies?" Feng Lin was greeted by a member of staff, who gave her a courteous smile and a head shake. Given that, he had no immediate desire to shop, but Lan was alerted by the staff member. She eventually came to the conclusion that Feng Lin's clothing was aging and that she should buy him some branded clothing as well.

She turned to look at Feng, who was silently surveying the area, and nodded after noting that he had grown slightly taller. With her new measurements in hand, she went to the men's section and picked out a nice shirt that she thought would flatter Feng's physique.

"This is good." Mai, who came to look at Lan, who ended up in the male section, found Lan looking at the shirt in the dark check shade.

Mai considered how nice the shirt would look on Feng and ultimately concluded that Lan was to blame for the shift in Feng Lin's style. "Lan, this shirt would look good on Feng Lin, right?" Mai joined Lan, who was perusing the shirt, and Mai's entrance caught Lan off guard.

"Right, but will he take this shirt, given that he is a miser when it comes to buying clothes for himself?" After giving it some thought, Mai simply disregarded Lan's concerns and led the way, dragging her behind her by the hand.

"In a time like this, you have to be forceful when it comes to my brother's way." Mai, who had brought Lan in front of Feng, who was looking around, asked. "Brother, go and get changed into this one; we will be buying things for you too."

Feng Lin was startled as he looked at the shirt, and with a simple glance, he could tell that it was Lan who had selected it for him. So, taking it in his hand, he gave up and made his way to the changing room, where Mai revealed a victorious smile when looking at Feng.

"You see, this is the way you should go around with him." Mai pulled Lan's hand, who smiled at her and nodded at Mai's words. They continued to shop for the little girl too, given that she was the main reason all three of them were there.

Feng Lin came out of the changing room, at which Lan and Mai both looked a little surprised, as the dress suited Feng a lot. With that bag in tow, Mai was next, and they quickly found a wide variety of fashionable garments that Feng insisted they purchase. But Lan asked Mai to go and change first so that they could select the best five for her.

Feng and Lan are back on their own because of Lan's insistence that Mai wear the purple dress, which also happens to be their favorite. "So, Lan, do you remember the red dress from before?"

"I think that would look gorgeous on you." He whispered them beside Lan's ear, which turned red as she looked at Feng and asked. "Do you want me to dress in that for you?" While asking it, her face seemed to be ripe enough to take a big bite off.

Feng, however, was cognizant of the fact that they were in a store and that his outward appearance was important, especially to a girl like Lan.

"Yes, I want to see how good you will look in that dress." He nodded and said something, and Lan was silent as she watched Mai enter the changing room. After hearing Feng say it that way, she was too embarrassed to look him in the eye.

Soon the shopping was over, but Mai and Lan did not notice that there was an extra pack, which Feng Lin was carrying before they left. Given, Feng had worked it out with the salesman and had it packed in for him secretly.

He discovered an excellent eatery on the way back to the apartment; however, Lan and Mai insisted on eating at the stall. He eventually took them to the same stall he frequented during his teenage years. Whose son is acquainted with Fatty Duan, and who once worked for him?

Before Feng Lin left to focus on his own projects, he and his girlfriend, Lan, and sister, Mai, took some time to relax together.

A system alerting him to the nearby case finally went off, at which point he was only directed to the mountainous area.

"Mai..." When Feng Lin was about to go, he heard someone calling Mai. He looked in the direction of the voice, which sounded like a man.

Mai appeared perplexed by the male figure in her presence as well. However, the sun seemed to be shining brightly on the boy's day when he spotted Lan standing next to Mai. After taking a quick glance around, he found the chair at which Feng Lin was resting, and he sat down on it without a second's hesitation, a grin tugging at the corners of his mouth.

"Why are you looking at me like you don't know me?" The guy was pretty sure of himself, but before he could start arguing, Feng came in and slammed on the chair.

"You are a pretty confident brat, not to hit on my sister, but on my girlfriend too." Feng Lin's smile looked a little scary, but the cocky guy looked more amused by his presence. When two guards at the gate heard Feng slam the table and saw him yell at them, they rushed over to investigate.

"Go and throw him out." The cokcy guy said them confidently, and Feng Lin couldn't help but admire the guy's foolishness.

Even though Feng Lin's two bodyguards were both experienced soldiers, they were still surprised when he took an offensive stance and punched them. With that, both of them were sent flying before, they could realize what happened.