Influence and Dinner.

"What in the world do you think you're doing?" The owner of this voice used to be quite haughty, but in an instant, his arrogance was replaced by fear, which took away from him his previous demeanor and attitude.

Because he was not completely oblivious, he recognized that Feng Lin was a martial artist and a powerful one at that, and he stared at him with apprehension.

Despite this, within the city limits, family was viewed as extremely influential.

When pitted against martial arts practitioners from other cities, it came up short. The two martial artists who served as his father's bodyguards were hardly the only ones in his family.

"OK, I'll say sorry, but I really do hope you won't push this too far. Assuming your sister agrees to marry me, my family connection may prove useful to you despite the fact that you are already involved in martial arts."

Feng Lin was getting more and more enraged as he listened to the boy and wanted to know who the hell the brat is.

Two martial artists with Peak physical realm had already entered the hotel by the time one of the bodyguards, who had called the brat father for help, finished their conversation.

"They are specialized martial artists at the pinnacle of the external realm. They're helping me and my dad, so I'm crossing my fingers that you'll give my family some dignity by pursuing your sister."

Mai, who didn't know much about martial arts, felt some apprehension as she recalled the time she came up to Feng Lin's side and nervously grabbed his hand.

However, she could tell that the bodyguards who entered were formidable.

"It's okay, big brother; I'm fine." Feng Lin cut Mai off mid-sentence, smiling and patting his sister on the head as he turned around. As a result of the trembling in her hands, he could tell how anxious she was.

Some idiots from the external martial arts realm, however, were about as interesting to him as ants.

"Ok, sweetie, but I need to tell you that compared to me, those external martial artists are like an ant." At the conclusion of his speech, Feng Lin's body let out a wave of unrestrained energy that shook the table, the charges, and the other objects nearby to the point where they eventually gave way and collapsed.

As onlookers took in the scene, they gradually came to understand that the young man before them was more than just a skilled martial artist.

"Internal Master," the guards ended up screaming inside their hearts.

Both of the security guards were accomplished martial artists.

They were also aware of their society, and with Feng Lin's pressure wave, even a dog in their society would be able to identify the master realm.

Master, please let go of the young master and let us apologize in his stead.

Both of them were extremely intimidated by Feng Lin's aura, and when the foolish young master saw the uncles begging on their knees, he realized that Feng Lin was someone he should never have crossed.

So, upon seeing the uncle, he began to feel dizzy and fell back in his chair as he stared at Feng Lin in horror.

Seeing that Feng Lin was not pleased, their expression turned gloomier as both of them looked at each other and nodded.

We will cut our arms to apologize, Master. In exchange, please release our young master, and we will ask his father for an official apology with gifts.

Feng Lin, observing the martial artist's agonized expression as they attempted to amputate their arm, patted their shoulder with his internal energy, causing their hand to swell up.

Not only did this stun the audience, but it also rendered the guards speechless.

Okay, you guys are certainly devoted to his father. So long as you join my group and leave their tulege, you are welcome.

Not that I believe your disciples are capable of protecting this pair of idiotic parents and children, but I will consider the matter resolved.

Kenta recalls his parents and Lan, as well as the Fatty Duan, being short on true skilled martial artists from real society. In exchange for luring them away, he produced a small bottle of homemade Spirit wine for gifting to others.

He gave them three of them and said, "This is spirit wine; give it to your disciples, and they will make great strides in the external realm; now you can join me without worry, correct?"

The guards were scared when they saw the small bottle of spirit. If someone drinks it a month before they die, it can even make them live longer. Not to mention that it is something that money cannot buy from martial artists.

Where the young man simply extracted them, distributed them, and requested that they give them to their disciple.

Where the audience was silent, on the verge of bursting out laughing, wondering how someone could buy loyalty with wine. As they observed them bowing to Feng Lin for the wine, the external master's subsequent action rendered all of them speechless.

They even ordered their master to flee and call their father so they could leave that place and join Feng Lin as soon as possible.

"Brother Feng." Mai gave Feng Lin a reviving smile as she looked at him, and Lan, who was watching Mai, felt something reviving coming from her.

Hearing Mai's voice, Feng Lin patted her head as he finally saw the smile back after yesterday night's case and felt everything was worth it.

"Heh, that brat deserved it; however, I did not kick him, nor did he attack me. Regarding the guards, they were the ones who attacked me first, so everything I did was just to defend myself."

Feng Lin's attempts to prove his innocence made Mai and Lan laugh because they were so ridiculous. They knew nothing about an idiot like him because they thought Feng Lin was really Feng Lin.

After speaking with that boy's father, Feng Lin didn't care about their names as he asked the two bodyguards if they were willing to follow him. In exchange, he gave them a few bottles of the spirit wine and asked them to contact Fatty Duan.

When he returned to his apartment with the girls, he began to change his clothes in preparation for meeting Rong at the hotel where they had agreed to meet. Where Mother Xia and the other girls were going to enjoy the few days they had within the city.

She called her aunt and sister from the colony and decided to throw a small party before they left.