Twins and official case.

The old commissioner didn't understand what was happening, but he decided to put his faith in Feng Lin because he knew his daughter would die a horrible death if things continued on this path.

The old man's eyes welled up with emotion as he considered it, but he forced himself to keep them dry for the sake of the little girl who was staring at him with wide, unquestioning eyes.

"Thank you, master Feng." The old commissioner looked at Feng Lin, as if his heart would have stopped beating if anything happened to his lovely daughter, who had arrived like a savior for both his wife and himself.

Because while his wife was stunning, medical tests revealed she had physical flaws, and the chief was a vibrant young man full of vitality right then.

So, he married her without giving it much thought, and lots of people showed up to wish him well. With his rise in status, he was able to be promoted to chief rank and then commissioner because of her.

So that he could marry another woman and have a child with her, his wife attempted suicide several times. When he found them, the little spark changed the lives of the old Commissioner and his wife forever.

"Father..." Kenta turned to look at a girl who looked exactly like the one on the commissioner's arm when he heard a tiny, energetic voice coming from the park. But her whole being beamed with the freshness of youth, and her little smile was adorable.

"Sister, is she all right? Father, is sister hurting again?" Adorable little girl sprinted to her twin sister, meeting her at the spot where Old commissioner had let the other girl down.

With a grin on his face, Kenta watched as the two of them snuggled up to each other and chatted, wondering how he had come to meet twins.

Considering his current girlfriends are themselves quintuplets, the sight of a set of twins shouldn't come as much of a shock.

"They go by the names Linger and Binger."

Old commissioner, noticing that he had not introduced his daughters' names, did so one by one. Kenta also nodded and bid them farewell, as he had his own case, but before leaving the site, he warned Commissioner.

"The thing that harmed your daughter was man-made, given that your little girl has a talent for inner practice and was harmed by someone who wanted to profit from her."

While saying this, Feng Lin's heart ached a little for the young girl and her sister, because the other one was also developing and displaying her talent.

Which resulted in the Old Commissioner remaining silent while he contemplated a number of thoughts while staring at Feng Lin's departing figure. 'That boy was saying that, I am useless and will not be able to help my own daughter, right.'



[Host: Feng Lin. Cultivation: Inner Martial Rank. System Skill: Hidden Boxing, Space Wallet.]

[Job Application: Detective.]

[Rank: Special.] [Time Period: 14 months.]

[Duration: 1 week.] (Time required to get another job application.)

[] (Detective application has bounty-hunting quests and special requests.)

[Event Detected____________________]

[Help find the Deciding factor of the Rong problem, also trace out the identity of the person behind all this.]

[__Sub-Quest__] [Assist the daughter of the old commissioner.] (Complete) ↦ [Look for the culprit in the curse case.] [30% Detective Profession completion point.]

[Help search for the cause behind the suicide case in the Honryu Bridge Valley.] [Time Limit: 1 Month.]

[Reward: Randomize and case success rate.]

[Permanent Job Application: Spirit Chef.]

[Rank: Origin.] [Time Period: Infinite.]

[Spirit Chef_ (Spirit Cook+ Supreme Farmer+ Spirit Cultivator)]

[_Special Mission activated_]

[_Open a Court for self-cultivation into the world of special class Spirit cooking._]

[_Buy a whole area of 5km in radius, to open a small cultivation House._]


Reward Section:

Sub-Quest completion rate: 120 percent. With a 200% increase in reward: Piano Expertise (Medium.)

Quest Help Rong completion rate: 100 percent. With a 100% increase in reward: Spirit Honey (6 packet.)

Additional quests were made available to Feng Lin, along with the rewards.

Feng Lin went to Honryu Bridge because he thought that as the quests got harder, the reward system would also get better.

He retrieved his National Security Agency badge from its storage compartment and hung it in his pocket, indicating that Honryu Bridge was the primary focus of his mission related to the suicide case.

Honryu Bridge!

Despite the fact that he didn't unearth anything particularly noteworthy at the party he attended from this road, the system has zeroed in on it, and the area has been sealed off, with multiple agencies and police officers patrolling the bridge.

"Wait, you there." The officer on the scene tried to stop Feng Lin as soon as he saw him leave, but Feng Lin ignored the officer and continued out.

"Officer, my name is Feng Lin, and I am here from the security department for a specific suicide case, but there appear to be more victims here, Huh." Feng Lin took out his badge and acted casually.

The officer who rushed over to Feng Lin looked at the boy's badge with a hint of surprise before realizing that he was indeed an agent.

"I'm sorry, sir, but you should come in here—just be careful around our commissioner, because he has it in for people who work for the Secret Service."

With a grin on his face, Feng Lin walked away from the officer after hearing his comments and offering the man a cigarette.

"Have some." After a moment of shock, the officer looked around anxiously, grabbed one, and thanked Feng Lin. "I have a case of a suicide on which I did not receive much information previously, but you guys should have a record of it right?"

"Hmm, there was one case before all of this happened; what was her name again?" The officer was very detailed in his explanation of all the information Feng Lin could relate to and began to see the picture of the quest.

"So, that girl was murdered here." What Feng Lin said next stunned the police officer into silence. He started to think about what it all meant and realized that Feng Lin had made some sense.

He also agreed with Feng Lin's assessment that the case was not simple.

"Unfortunately, we were unable to use any of the scant evidence we had to bring charges against the perpetrator. Further, it is very difficult to track down such criminals because they can appear virtually anywhere."

The officer's training and background told him that this was going to be a challenging case, and he wasn't wrong; the rate of accidents in this area has been rising recently.

Feng Lin claims that there are two types of cases that are exceptionally challenging. If the criminal is from an organization, they must exercise caution lest they irritate other organizations for no reason, as this makes them easier to find.

The second type of case involves a criminal who is caught in a rage and doesn't seem to have any reason for what they did.

Just like how a drugged person, end up raping a girl and killing her, just because he was not in conscious and rational mind.

Cases like these are notoriously challenging to resolve, but as Feng Lin was working on another puzzle, he had a revelation: the cases that fall in between the two extremes of the upper case are the ones that present the greatest challenge.

By the time Feng Lin had finished his explanation, a small crowd of officers had gathered around the young man, obviously interested in getting a look at the man who worked for a covert organization.

'Fuck, this boy is right, but the third option of having both the two crime factor, is really something we always try to hide from.'

When everyone was thinking about it, a healthy voice called Feng Lin, "Master Feng." Where Feng discovered the Old Commissioner from an hour ago.

"Oh, Senior." When he heard Feng Lin call him senior, the old commissioner smiled and patted Feng Lin on the shoulder.

"Master Feng, you may refer to me as your elder brother; it makes me feel strange, and given your respect, you make me feel embarrassed about it." He asked the officer in charge of this area why Feng Lin was present, and the old commissioner laughed when he heard about the case.

He realized how good Feng Lin was at martial arts and how he was able to make such an acquaintance with the higher ups in Green Wine city the moment he found out he worked for a secret organization.