Hellish life

"Aaaah Sto..stop! Don't.. don't beat me!"

"Shut up you bitch you are nothing but a trash. It was because of you that I didn't get that contract today."

"Aaah I di..didn't do anything wa..ah."

"It was because you looked at me in the morning that I got your bad luck. You bitch!"

"Sorry..sorry I.. I will not do..do it again. Aaaaah!"

I am Wei Jia , first daughter of Wei family. Two years ago I was married to the one and only son of Fang family, that was Fang Bi gan.

I married Fang Bi gan because our family business was in a loss and Fang family offered to help if daughter of Wei family would marry their son.

Fang family was traditional family so they needed there daughter in law from the family with good history. Wei family's ancestors were general at ancient time who later involved in business.

So Wei family married me of to Fang family. I thought even though I was in arranged marriage I will make it workout slowly because there are many marriages where there is love after marriage But...

Looking now I think I was too naive. My in laws and husband hated me because I had a flaw I couldn't speak properly. The day my mother died I was in so much shock that I couldn't talk properly from then on.

From the first day of marriage I was abused both physically and mentally. Fang Bi gan and my in laws started abusing me.

The one who Bi gan wanted to marry was not me but my younger sister. Since she was illegitimate child Fang family's elders didn't accepted her as their daughter in law so I was married to bi gan.

Since he couldn't marry her he chose to give me hard time and have an affair with my sister Wei Zing. In period of our marriage he never touched me, even in our first night he went to my sister.

My daily life was a mess. I forgot who I really was.

"Where is breakfast? I think I am going to die due to hunger.",...Pang Jei(Fang bi gan's mother)

"What is taking you that long, you are not making a feast or something.",... Fang Gui (Fang bi gan's sister)

"It's It's ready!"

Actually I am not treated like daughter in law here but rather like a maid. They all have different taste and if it is little bit also late they start screaming.

"Ugh! What is this! How much do I have to tell you that I want western breakfast and only toast is not western breakfast. You are really useless."

"Ah..that I..I don't know how..how to make them."

"(Slap) Are you talking back to me now? Huh ! Take it take !"

"aaak cough cough"

Fang Gui started choking me with the toast that I prepared.

"Xiao Gui enough! Don't touch her she will transfer her bad luck to you. Since she came to our house our bad luck has started and business is also not going well. She can't even give birth to child. Are you listening Wei Jia?",...Pang Jei


"You infertile woman!",...Pang Jei

How am I supposed to give birth alone? Fang bi gan never touched me.

"But (sniff) Bi gan never stays..stays with me at night ho..how am I supposed to.."

"Slap! Do you think that is Bi gan's fault huh! It is your fault that you can't keep your man. Ah you ruined my mood I will eat outside.",...Pang Jei

"Me too I will go with you mom."


"sniff waah...What ..what should I do I..i am all alone mom. Wh..why did you left me ? You should have ju..just taken me with you wa..ah"

"What ha..have I done to anybody t..to deserve this hell..hellish life."