
I don't know what to do with myself. I think I am in a deep well where I can't even hope for a light.

It wasn't that I didn't told my family. It's Just that they don't care about me.

"Your husband beats you? So! So what you must have irritated him so he beat you. Don't come to complain me with this type of things. Can't you tolerate it little bit I already have so many things on my plate.",...Wei Yi Jen(Wei Jia's father)

This is what my father said to me when I said I was abused. I just had no one to tell.

From then on I never asked for his assistance.

My father was busy having an affair when mom was there. After my mom died he immediately brought his mistress and a illegitimate daughter.

Daily rampage was going on. Sometimes Fang bi gan used to torture me while sometimes his mother and sister.

But for some days now it was weird. They stopped bothering for a while. They were frequently not at home. Thanks to that I was in peace for a while.


Few days later...

"You have to come with me to party tomorrow."


"Yes so get ready at time tomorrow I will send you a dress."


Going to party was something he told me to do as his wife. Even if he didn't treat me right I was his wife and he had to show the world that how perfect of a husband he was.

But it was really weird Pang Jei and Fang Gui were not bothering me like the past. Instead they are busy in there own world buying expensive things. They were bit too much these days , they were buying a lot more than usual.

In the past they used to...

"Oh my! My son became so thin after he married."

"Are you not giving him to eat? It is all your fault that he is like this.",... Pang Jei

"Mom you know since she came our family business is going down. It is all due to stress that my brother is thin.",... Fang Gui

"I don't know why elders chose her over Wei Zing. I mean Wei Zing is many times better than her she can at least speak properly not like this dumb girl.",...Pang Jei


"Brother you deserve much more good looking and pretty girl than her, you don't deserve dumb girl."

"I know so I am still in relationship with Wei Zing."

"That is nice."

They used to say things like this. Sometimes I thought why was I born with this kind of fate. But I threw that thoughts away because nothing will come from thinking like this.

At the day of party

"Why are you so late? There will be lots of big people there what will they think of me if I become late huh?"

He grabbed my chin very hardly that it became red.

"Fix your makeup in car."


Then we went to the party venue. Party was being held in five star hotel. We entered the party and I stood beside Fang Bi gan when he was talking with anybody like a doll.

"Good evening Mr Wang."

"Good evening good evening and she?...Is she the one."

"Yes she is the one."

They started talking weird. I think they are talking if I was his wife.

"Xiao Jia Go eat something you must be hungry I have a long to talk with Mr Wang."


"Even though girl is little bit dumb she is beautiful."

"Of course she is beautiful she is the eldest daughter of Wei family. I have never touched her..(whisper) she is still virgin."

"Hmm(smile) I like the product. Consider that the project A will be yours Mr Fang."

"Haha thank you thank you."

"So...when can I get her?"

"After she gets some drinks. You can take her and do whatever you want with her."

"Haha ok ok Let's enjoy the evening then night."


"I..I think party i..is going to end but whe..where is Bi gan. It's al..already 11o'clock ."

"Wei Jia cone give Mr Wang a toast I secured a deal with him today."

"Bu..but I am already a..at my limit."

"(whisper)Shut up and give him a toast. Do you want me to be humiliated in front of him."

"No..no I will drink. (gulp) hiccup!"

"Then I will prepare her and bring her to you Mr Wang."

Ah! I started feeling hot as soon as I drank that wine. What was in that wine?

"Let's go Wei Jia!",...Fang bi gan


"Of course to help your husband in business.",...Fang bi gan

"Wh.. what noooo."

Am I drugged?