
"Let's go Wei Jia."

"W..wait why are carrying"

"Don't you realize why you are in hospital! Silly girl. You just fainted and you think I will let you do dangerous work like walking. What if you fall again."

"B..but how is walking d.. dangerous?"

"It is!"


How can he be so childish! He is treating me as if I am some glass toy or something. But this incident reminded me of something of my past.


One year ago

I was on my period that day. It was so painful I couldn't even get out of bed but how could I stay in bed all day . I had to make food for everyone.

"Eww this is disgusting! It has so much salt. Does omelette tastes like this bitch!",...Fang Gui

"W..why ! What happened?"

"Hah! What happened! Why is it so salty?"

"S..sorry! I am not w..well today so I m..might have put the salt t..wice."

"Are you saying you are not well so you took out your frustrations on me by making my food salty."

" it's not."

After saying that Fang Jei came furiously towards me and threw the omelette in my head. Then she picked up the omelette in the ground and started choking me with that omelette.

"Eat it bitch! Eat the omelette you made yourself."

"Aaah!... choke.."

When she was choking me , it seemed like she had no intention to let me go easily. She started to choke me with the salt.


I was feeling so uneasy and my stomach was aching so much I gradually started to lose my consciousness.

"Ah! Mom She is unconscious."

"What! You didn't kill her, did you?"

"No I just choked her with salt but she felt down."

"Let me check her breath . . . She is alive I think she just fainted. Just leave her she will wake up by evening herself.",...Pang Jei

"What if she doesn't?"

"So what isn't it good if she does you will get new , nice sister in law."

"But ..."

"No but let's go outside to eat . It just ruined my mood."


I don't know what happened but I was still at a same place where I fainted. It was already dark when I woke up. There was no lights on. It seemed no one was at mansion.

I was still dizzy. Only I know how I survived that day. This incident proved that even though that house was big there was no one in that big mansion who cared even a bit about me.

They didn't cared if I was dead or not.

So it surprises me everytime how Caishen takes care of me. Even before knowing about the baby, he cared for me who had no relation with him.

Sometimes I wonder if it is dream. If I wake up from it I will have to return to same old place inside four wall of fang mansion where there no place to escape, where no one cares and where it is so lonely.

I am afraid if it is all dream, It will scatter the moment I wake up and return to the past nightmare.