

"Wei Jia! What happened! Are having nightmare? Wei Jia!!"

"Huh?" Was I having a dream of past? It seemed so vivid.

"Are you okay?",...Fu Caishen(Why is she crying suddenly. Did she had a nightmare!)

I don't know why but at that moment my eyes became red and I wanted to cry so badly . And of course thanks to pregnancy hormone I cried.

"Wa...ah",...Wei Jia

"Wei Jia don't cry. Did you have a bad dream? Don't worry I am here." (I don't know how I should react but I guess I should comfort her for whatever reason she is crying)

Hearing his words made it even worse. I cried even louder and more.

After half an hour

"...sniff..sniff..",Wei Jia

"Are you done now?"

"Y..yes..sniff..but where are we?"

"We are infront marriage license office."


"What? Why? Wei Jia.We have to get married fast. Baby is going to come soon Or are you going back on your words(pitiful look)"

I expected we would have to get married but who would have thought it would be this soon. Why does he look so pitiful, He must have expected so much.

"I..I mean this"

"Faster the better." I need make her marry me fast.


"No but Wei Jia we don't have time. Let's go."

It is sudden but he is doing it for the sake of baby.

Inside marriage registration office..

"Hello, How may I help you? "

"For marriage."

"Are you here for marriage???"

"Yes!",...Fu Caishen

"But where is bride?"

"She is coming soon."

"C..cai! Do we have do this?"

"Oh! She is here.

Of course we have to do at least this much. Have you ever seen any bride without wedding dress?"

"B..but our marriage not normal one."

"(whispers in Wei Jia's ear) Even though marriage is not normal.

(loud)You are the bride today and I am your groom. I can't let my bride to just have boring court marriage. Today You should be prettiest girl in the universe."

When did he prepared all these? It must have taken so much time.

"So Wei Jia! Are you ready!"

"Huh? Ready?"

" (In one knee) Will you marry me Wei Jia? Will you be with me in my ups and downs and always be my bestest friend no matter what future might be?"

"..tears.." Why is he like this? He always manages to make my heart flutter. This feels so real. Is this really a fake marriage? I feel as if I special person today. I didn't felt like this even in my real wedding.

"Are you going to make me wait like this Jia!"

"Aww the groom is so handsome",...staff

"I wish I could have that type of husband.",...staff

"Say Yes madam!",... Secretary Zong

When did Secretary Zong came?

"Say Yes(Shout).. Marry him(shout)...",...Staffs and secretary

"Please Say Yes Jia!"

He even made nickname for me(Jia). Is it really okay? I am afraid of what future holds. But seeing him like this on one knee, melts my heart.

Well I guess I will decide in future whatever it holds, good or bad, happiness or sadness wherever it is.


"(puts ring) Thank you Jia(smile) Come on put me a ring to!"

"(puts ring)"

"I also promise to fulfill my vow to you Jia. I will be with you in your every moment. Whether it is sad or happy and I will always be there for you. Even if someday we are not together anymore you can always count on me as your best friend(Smile) ."

" too"

"Sign these documents and you two will be legally married.",...Staff

"...sign...sign...",...Fu Caishen and Wei Jia

"Now..Kiss...kiss...kiss(shout)",.Staffs and secretary

"K..kiss(blush)" Wei Jia

Do we really need to kiss? I looked up to Caishen he was smiling. Just then our eyes met and he....

"(mu..ah)",...Fu Caishen

"(shocked)",...Wei Jia

I thought he was gonna kiss me for real but then he put his two fingers in my lips and kissed it.

I was about to die of embarrassment.

"(blush)",...Wei Jia

"Then let's go for photo.",...Fu Caishen

"Yes photo is the last step.",...Staff

"But I think we need to touch up bride's makeup first.",... staff

"Huh?",...Fu Caishen

"It got smudged because she cried.",...staff

"We will touch up her. Please wait Mr Groom !!"


"Then let's take a photo. SMILE!!!",... Photographer

"(smile)",...Wei Jia and Fu Caishen

"Please come closer. Now then, CLICK!!!"

.... Congratulations for your wedding....