
I couldn't sleep that night nicely. After hearing the confession for the first time in my life. I thought he only married me for the baby but now that he confessed to me....I don't know how to react.

All things are happening so fast I don't know what to do.

Is it alright for me to love him?


So I avoided Cai as much as I could from that day. He went to the office from the next day so I could avoid him easily. I woke up after he left and slept before he came. It went for about one week.

In the duration of that time all the servants were nice to me. Even Cai's father called me and spended time with me.

"Come Wei Jia. I called you to join me for the tea. I thought you would feel lonely here. You can eat these tea I brought it especially for you, they said it is nice for pregnant women."

"T.. thank you."

"I wanted to know about you."

"..." I guess he has right to know about his daughter-in-law

"Where were you born?"

"I..I was born in northern p..province."

"And your parents?"

" mother left this world e..early and I lived with father but later I went live with my g..grandma."

"Ah but Wei Jia why are you speaking like this?"


Is he being uneasy by me speaking like this?

"I mean you don't have to be scared of me. Last night I was a bit surprised so I behaved like that."

Phew! He is not uncomfortable with me. Come to think of it Cai also asked me same question when we met.

" it is not t.. that I am scared of but after my mother died I..I had trouble speaking."

"Ah! Sorry for asking you that. Just enjoy then. Let's talk about something else. Where did you go for college...

I think meeting Cai was luckiest thing for me. He made me realize not all men are same and now his father is making me realize that there are also good people left in this world.

But there was one thing that was a problem.

That was my morning sickness. I just threw up everything I ate.

"...ugh!.{vomit}.",...Wei Jia

I haven't even eaten anything yet and I already threw up.


"Wei Jia!...Wei Jia! Wake up.",...Fu Caishen


"I brought you breakfast. I heard you didn't ate much yesterday."

"(I don't think I can eat though!)"

"I only brought fruits so that you can eat without feeling nauseous."

"(smile) T.. thank you! B..but you don't have o.. office today."

"I took a break for today. I didn't have time to tell you that Grandma is coming so I have to pick her up."

It has been many day since we last talked. It was childish of me to avoid him.

"G.. grandma?"

"Yes, Do you remember I told you that there are only my father and grandmother in my family. As soon as she heard that I got married she rushed to meet us."

"R.. really. Is there anything I..I should do ?"

"You just need to be pretty and wait for me to come."


He always manages to make my heart flutter!!!