
Since his grandma is coming I should also prepare something for her. Should I cook food for her? No I can't stand any smell right now.

Then i think I should buy something for her. Yes this is the right choice. I will ask Father what she likes.

"E..excuse me! Where is f..father?"

I asked the maid.

"Master is at garden right now.",... Jojo

"O..okay. Thank you."

(blush)Why is young madam saying thank you i am just a mere servant here?

"Do you want me to guide you there?"

"Y..yes that would be g..great."

Although she stutters young madam is a kind person. Young Master and Master both told each and every one of us to treat her nicely. I shall serve her with my whole heart.


When I arrived there father was watering the plants.

"Oh! Why are you here? Shouldn't you be resting!"

"Ah t..that I heard grandma w..was coming so I wanted buy gift for her. What does s..she like?"

"Well I don't think you need to prepare anything. You yourself is present for her and your baby is biggest present for her."

"(happy) B..but I want to give h..her something."

"If so then you can give her anything. But to give you a hint she likes incense a lot."

"(smile)T..thank you Father!"

"Ah! F..father can I borrow a c.. car?"

"Ofcourse! You can take any car in garage. Just tell the driver. Ah and remember to take someone with you. You are so weak what if you faint."

"I..I am not that f..fragile."

"But also for the safety take someone with you. You can take her. Jojo go with her."

"Yes sir!",... Jojo

Cai has gone to pick grandma. I should hurry up and buy fast.

"L.. let's go Jojo."

I asked the driver and he gave a me and Jojo a ride. For some reason he looked happy.

"Madam where do want to go?"

"I..i want to go shopping m..mall."

"Yes! Which shopping mall do you want to go?"

"W..well you can take anywhere. I don't k..know much about it."

I also brought the card Cai gave me.

After a while we were infront of huge shopping mall. I have never been here. From what I know this belongs to Feng Shui that means it belongs to Cai's.

"Let's go Young madam.",... Jojo


"I will park the car and wait for you. You can call me when it is done."


"Let's go where we can find the incense. Jojo do you which flavor grandma likes."

"Big madam doesn't stay in mansion much but whenever she is here she uses sandalwood candle."

"Really then let's take that."


After wondering for a while we finally found a incense.

"Wow! T..there are so many products. "

"Madam here is tea too."

"R.. really!" I bented down to reach the tea packet but then ..

"Madam I will take that for you. Don't bent."

"Ah okay."

"L.. let's take scented c..candles too."


We bought bunch of incense, candles with different flavors which were good for relaxing.

"I will call the driver to get the car ready."


As we were walking I saw baby clothing store. There were so many cute clothes. I want to buy some. How much time do I have left? Oh there is still half an hour left.

"Jojo I..I will go here for a b..bit."

"Ah Ofcourse madam. Let's go."


This shop is like baby clothes heaven. Here are so many cute baby clothes. Just then I saw one cloth that attracted me the most. It was bee costume.

"Wow!I..I want this."

"Then let's take this to counter madam."


As we were checking in somebody entered the shop.

"Darling let's see around clothes for the baby."


It was non other than Fang Bi gan and Wei Zing. She was pregnant too but her stomach was bigger than mine she was like 4-5 months pregnant.

Does that mean she was pregnant before Bigan and I got divorced? Is that why he drugged me and tried to tarnish my reputation so that he could marry her respectfully.

"Oh my! Who is here? Wei Jia!",...Wei Zing

"Why are you here in baby shop?",...Fang Bi gan

"Did you got pregnant by some rich old man? Did some old rich man make dumb like you his mistress. If not then how could you be in this expensive store."

How dare she insult my baby? She can say anything to me but not my baby.

" you think e.. everyone else is whore you?"