
Now I am not alone. I have my baby with me. How dare she spout some nonsense to my baby.

"Hah! now that you have little bit of money your mouth is running huh! Do you want me to pull your mouth out?"

She was trying to slap me and I was going to stop her but someone blocked it for me. It was Jojo.


"How dare you insult my young madam? Do you know who she is?(shout)"

"How dare you mere servant shout at me? Do you know who I am? I am daughter in law of Feng family."

"Well I don't care about whoever daughter in law you are but I do know that my young madam is not someone you can mess with."

"Haha Someone I can't mess with? Are you kidding? She is just a woman who was thrown out by my husband. Darling do something I don't want to see her."

"Wei Jia, Just get out of our sight. Don't mess with us.",...Fang Bi gan

"W..why should I get out o..of here? Does this mall belongs to or something?"

"(angry)This mall doesn't belongs to you either dumb woman.",...Fang Bi gan

"Yes! It doesn't belongs to you too.",...Wei Zing

"(smirk) Y..yes it does. It belongs to my h..husband."

"What the heck are you saying? Do you know who the owner of this mall is?",...Fang Bi gan

"I.. I am saying t..the truth."

"Oh please shut up. The owner Fu Caishen is not even married and you are saying he is your husband.",...Fang Bi gan

"I guess she just wanted to say nonsense. Manager! Do you want to tarnish the reputation of this shop by letting the fraud like her?",...Wei Ming

Shop owner was in dilemma what to do. Both were the customer so he had to treat them well but they were making scene at the shop.

"Please don't make a scene in the shop."


A deep voice was heard in the shop at the middle of heating situation.

"Fu Caishen!",...Fang Bi gan

"Is he really Fu Caishen?",...Wei Zing

"Yes! Good afternoon Mr Fu.",...Fang Bi gan

"Good afternoon Mr Fu.",...Shop owner

"(smile)Hello Mr Fu Caishen. I am Wei Zing, one and only daughter of Wei family and daughter in law of Fang family. You came at a right time. This dumb woman here was spreading the rumors that she is your wife."

" Oh and what did she say?"

Looks like Fu Caishen is angry. I should let him punish this bitch.

"(smile) She said this mall belongs to her husband. When we clearly know you are not even married. Isn't it ridiculous she is impersonating someone who she can't even dream...of?",...Wei Zing

Just then Fu Caishen went to Wei Jia's side and hugged her waist.

"But she said the truth. I AM HER HUSBAND FOR REAL."

"Huh?(shocked)",...Fang Bi gan

"How could that be possible ?",...Wei Zing

"Did they hurt you? Are you alright?",...Fu Caishen

"Y..yes but Jojo is I.. injured while she blocked t..the slap for me. They said I am m..mistress of some o..old man and insulted our b.. baby. "

"What?(angry) How dare you say that to my wife and unborn child? Guards show them the outside door and of course not kindly."

I will make them wanted in Feng Shui's mall so they can never set foot here again where Jia is shopping.

Guards came and they began to pull them out of the store. Wei Zing and Fang Bi gan were resisting but that was a vain.

"Don't touch me. How dare you insult me? I said don't touch me I am a pregnant woman, I will sue you for harassment."

"Fu Caishen do you think you can do anything because you have power. Just wait and see.",...Fang Bi gan

"But I didn't do anything wrong though. I just threw the rude customer out my mall. Oh and you can sue me or do anything just think about the result after you do that."

After that they didn't say anything and they went with guards.

"W..why are you here Cai? I t.. thought you went to p..pick grandma up."

"I already picked her up and brought to house but you were not there so I came to find you. I didn't expected you would be in this kind of situation. You are not hurt right!"

"I..I am fine. L.. let's go now. We h..have to treat Jojo."

"Yes let's go home."

I feel happy everytime she says home. It means she has accepted it as the place where she can return.