
After both of them were dragged away and we also went home. In the car I wondered if grandma would like me or not. I was nervous just as when visiting I was visiting mansion for the first time.

"W...will grandma like"

Is she nervous!

"(smile) Don't worry. She will like you more than you can think. So don't be nervous."

His smile! It is beautiful! Why didn't I notice it until now. His smile made me calm.


Finally we are here.

"(deep breath) Let's g..go Cai."

"(hold Jia's hand) Yes."

The door opened just as when I came for the first time. Cai's grandma was sitting in the living room.

As she saw us she stood up and came infront of us.

"(happy) Are you Wei Jia?",...Fu Xiao Qing(Caishen's grandmother)

"Y..yes. (bow down) G..good afternoon g..grandma!"

"(Smile) Good afternoon. It's such a happy afternoon. Come sit down. You must be tired."


She held my hand gently and took me to sofa.

"What is this grandma! You forgot your grandson now that you got your granddaughter-in-law."

"Yes now I don't need you as I got her so go to your favorite place , your office."

"(hug) Don't abandon me grandma (pretend cry)."

"You brat ! Why are you still acting like a brat?"


"Haha!",...Wei Jia

"Jia. You got something for grandma didn't you ",...Caishen

"Y..yes. Grandma I you these things a present."

"Really!(happy) You didn't have to though. You already gave me a biggest gift, great grandson."


"But why where you late brat?"

"Oh nothing there were some flies that were disturbing Jia."

"Then did you take care of it!"

"Yes grandma. I will make sure those fly never come infront of Wei Jia."

"Then that's good! Jia tell this brat if something like this happens ok."

"Yes!" Grandma looked scary now.

"Then let's eat now. You must be hungry.",...Grandma


Somewhere in the balcony of Fu mansion, With the wine glass in hand.

"Make sure that those two , Fang couple may never set foot Feng Shui's mall.(in phone)",...Fu Caishen

"Yes sir.",... Secretary Zong

"C..cai what are you d..doing here?"

"I was talking with secretary Zong about something. Oh and Did you have a nice chat with grandma?"

"Y..Yes grandma gave me t..this necklace. I didn't w..want it but she insisted t..that she wouldn't talk to otherwise so I had to a.. accept it."

"You can take Jia. You are her most wanted grand daughter in law who she always wished, so don't be shy."

"(blush) ok."

"Once your morning sickness ends let's go somewhere. I haven't got chance to take you to honeymoon."

"(blush) Honeymoon!"

"Why are you blushing!(smirk) Were you thinking of something else? If you want that then I will give it to you."

" Just sleep."

Wei Jia ran to the bed and tucked herself in the blanket.

"My wife is shy huh?(hug Wei Jia)"


She became red like tomato maybe I should stop for now.


After that our normal daily life started.

"Jia put my tie for me. It's getting late."

"O..ok. Your wallet is in y..your bed."

"(putting tie) Where is my handkerchief? "

"I..ln your pocket!"

"Ah I didn't realize. Let's go for a breakfast now."

My daily routine included getting ready the things of Cai in the morning and chatting and eating with father in law and grandmother in the afternoon and eating and sleeping in evening.

My morning sickness was also ending slowly. Now I am starting to crave something. Oh! And our black bean(It is the name I call the baby with, since Cai thought baby looked like back bean in ultrasound) is already a five months old now.

In the midst of happiness, Wei Jia and Fu Caishen didn't know that they would face an unknown problem.