
After what he said my blood was boiling from the anger. If he did anything to Wei Jia I will make sure that he will die the death of dog.

"You asshole! How could you harm a pregnant woman.",...Fu Caishen

"Well she is not pregnant with mine so it would be fine. And don't shout at me, it is you who should be begging to me not to hurt her. If you don't want that then I can Of course kill her or sell her and do anything with her.",...Fang Bi gan

Kill her! Even the imagination of the world without her is hell for me.

"Okay! Then tell me what the f*ck you want damn it!",...Fu Caishen

"I want 500 million dollars. And also the assurance that you will not do anything to me after this. Otherwise I will do something that you will regret not obeying me and of course call the police if you dare.",...Fang Bi gan

"I got it so, where should I give you the money?",...Fu Caishen

"I will send someone at the XXX park in three hours. Hand over the money to that person.",...Fang Bi gan

"Okay!",...Fu Caishen


"Did you track the signal of his mobile phone? Secretary Zong!",...Fu Caishen

Yes, When the unknown call came I already started recording the call and shortly after Secretary Zong came to the office. I ordered him to track the phone of Fang Bi gan.

I hope I can find her soon.

"Also withdraw 500 million from the bank no matter how I need it in 2 hours.",...Fu Caishen

"But Sir we can capture them. I don't think we need it.",... Secretary Zong

"We need to prepare otherwise too. I don't want to take any possible risk.",...Fu Caishen

"Yes sir!",... Secretary Zong

"And contact police too but make sure they are in in disguise."

"Yes Sir.",... Secretary Zong


"Did you listen?(grabs Wei Jia's face) Your husband is going to offer big amount for you. You are quite lucky bitch that you got to sleep with him. Thank me for this.",...Fang Bi gan

"Don't be harsh babe she might be bruised."...Wei Zing

"So what, she made worst for us. She deserves this much.",...Fang Bi gan

"Well yes. But her sight makes me so angry. What! Are you glaring at me(grabs Wei Jia's hair)? I will make sure that you are not in proper condition before handing over you to your husband.",...Wei Zing

." whatever you want b..but do you think C..Cai will leave you alone after w..what you do me. Think about the consequences b..b*tch."

"Your mouth is running too much. Shut up"

Wei Zing slaps Wei Jia really hard

Just then someone comes running..

"Boss! Someone is coming in the cars toward our direction."

"What! How many are there ?"

"There must be at least ten cars."

"Shit! That is definitely Fu Caishen. That son of b*tch. It seems he doesn't care about you that much."

"(tears)",...Wei Jia

Cai must have come to save me. I know its hard right now but he will definitely come to save me and the baby.

He will right?