
As soon as Fang Bi gan knew that Fu Caishen was coming he escaped from that place with me, Wei Qing and his people in the truck.

He sealed my mouth and my hands were tied with something.

What scared me the most was that my baby was not moving. It has already been about one hour.

Cai! Please come fast!!


I searched for her every where I could but still I couldn't find her. All the clue that I had was the phone call from the Fang Bi gan. That son of b*tch was really thick skinned.

He threw away his sim card and left the place before we could reach him. But what scared me the most was that the place we last found his signal was scary.

I was scared and angry at the same time. I was scared that something might happened to her and angry with myself that I couldn't find Wei Jia.

I should have gone alone but my anxiousness took over and I went overboard.

"Secretary Zong! Let's go fast to the place where his last signal found."

"Yes sir."


Meanwhile Fang Bi gan and Wei Zing with their men reached to the abandoned warehouse that was in the middle of the forest.

"Fast! take her to the basement and lock her down. Make sure she isn't given anything to eat or drink. She has to suffer for her husband's mistake.",...Fang Bi gan

"But Bi gan what will we do now. Will we get money out of her?",...Wei Zing

"If Fu Caishen doesn't come then don't we have her and her brat. We can sell them but that will be our last resort.",...Fang Bi gan

"But will he come?",...Wei Zing

"Of course he will come. Didn't you see how many cars he brought just to catch us. He still has her in his heart. Whether dead or not he will still want her.",...Fang Bi gan

"That's right.",...Wei Zing

...ring.. ring... ring

"Hello",...Fang Bi gan

"Are you Fang Bi gan?",... Anonymous person

"Yes?",...Fang Bi gan

"You have kidnapped Fu Caishen's wife right?"

Who is this? Did Fu Caishen found out my number again? But I threw that sim card away a while ago.

"Who are you?",...Fang Bi gan

Fang Bi gan begins to suspect the anonymous person.

"No need to be tensed. Actually I wanted to help you."

"But who the hell are you!",...Fang Bi gan

"You don't need to know who I am. But just know that enemy's enemy is friend and I want to be your friend."

It looks like the abduction of Fu Caishen's wife has reached his enemy's ear.

"(smirk) Then let's be friend. But why are you calling me?",...Fang Bi gan

"I want you to torture his wife."

"I also want to do that but we don't have much equipment here friend.",...Fang Bi gan

"Haha Why did you think I called you! I will give you all the resources just make sure to torture her so that I can see grimace in that Fu Caishen's face!"

"You are quite a evil man friend.",...Fang Bi gan

"Haha but make sure she doesn't die. I am not that evil who kills a pregnant woman."

"Don't worry friend. Your request will be done.",...Fang Bi gan

"Send me your address!"


"Really! Someone is funding us for torturing Wei Jia.",...Wei Zing

"Yes!",...Fang Bi gan

"(smirk) Then let's play with her little bit. She did give us hard time.",...Wei Zing