CHAPTER 39 - Shifting Brokenly

  “Another chapter of life. I have a pup to protect now. People in the castle keep testing me. It’s time to scrap the Goodchild off my name.” – Ava Knight

  “Leave it to me,”

  Some voice suddenly said.

  “Let me take it from here.”

  I wriggled my brows confusingly at the feminine words.

  “Who are you?” I asked curiously.

  “Your wolf.”

  “Y-You’re here again.” I stated brokenly, sitting at the floor of my chambers with tears surrounding my eyes.

  I was tired.

  So tired that for the first time, I reached for a bottle of rum, drinking from it.

  I wanted anything that could make me forget this world I was in. This harsh world that everyone was after something. Anyone could betray anyone. Because of power.

  Used to look up to Lydia, you know.

  I really wanted to be like her. Her fighting skills and Knight indulging were out of this world. This was why I had so much confidence in myself after defeating her.