CHAPTER 40 - Loving her

  King Caspian’s Pov

  Hearing Ava say those words was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard in a while. There was this look her eyes held, searching desperately. Her red lips, quivered too. Hands interlocking with mine, almost immediately.

  It made me wonder…

  Then I realized. From her reaction.

  My mate was scared.

  She was scared of me, my beast. Of my response to her.

  I was quick to remove my shirt, making her wear it before anything. My instinct, to protect her, especially our pup. ?As we walked side by side, I exchanged it to mine hands wrapped around hers.

  “Since when?”

  “A few days after you confronted me about the fight with Lydia.” she said, sniffling in addition to those words. I could hear her heave and swallow continuously.

  My brows arched at her reaction, only to see subtle tears come out her delicate eyes.

  I paused in my movements, raising her chin up to face me whilst I gritted my teeth.