"Ouch!" Anya was suddenly overtaken by a pinch on her side. When she looked at her back, her Pappi immediately appeared in her sight. She frowned at him at the same time, but he only raised an eyebrow.

  "What happened to you last night? Why didn't you come home?" her Pappi said as he looked at her from head to toe.

  "It's bad to look like that, Pappi. You're so judgmental?" she replied.

  Anya was in the kitchen of their house and was in a hurry that day because she woke up late this morning. Apart from the fact that she was very tired last night with Andrius, she was still in pain and her thighs seemed to be numb.

  She blushed at the thought. Shame rose suddenly in her chest. She couldn't even look her Pappi in the eye because she would surely get a pinch from him. When she closed her eyes, she suddenly saw Andrius' handsome face. She abruptly opened it and swallowed. She commanded herself. She was going crazy. Crazy about the relish, Andrius made her experience with him.