Anya immediately hurriedly arranged the papers she had searched for earlier. She checked the time again and it has been thirty minutes since Carla called. She was already in a hurry to finish her errands quickly.

  "What are you doing? Why in such a hurry, baby?" Andrius asked. Anya did not realize that he was so close to her. She looked up to see him carefully. He squeaked but obviously suppressed his hidden grin.

  "Can I undertime? There's an emergency that happened. Can I just finish it all tomorrow?" she said hesitantly while looking at the piles of papers on the table.

  Andrius nodded at Anya. Anya thought he would leave but he remained standing in front of her desk. Anya did not ask and continued working on the rest of the files.

  "Your cleavage is showing, baby."


  Anya was shocked and blushed after, while Andrius chuckled sexilly. He just loved Anya everytime he teased her.