"I couldn't stay long. Pappi would look for me. Where are we going?" Anya asked. She glanced at Andrius and when she saw that he was just seriously focused on driving she pouted. "Answer me, please."

  Andrius glanced at Anya. "Stop pouting. You aren't cute anymore," he seriously said.

  Anya raised an eyebrow at what Andrius said. She stared at him. She just gave birth but nothing changed in her. Her curves were in place. She was even whiter than before but still beautiful.

  "Why are you like that? Are you insulting me now? You look ugly, too!" she spat.

  Anya shrugged her shoulders and just looked out of the car. She was even surprised when Andrius laughed a little next to her. When she looked back, she saw him shaking his head while focusing on driving.

  "You're still my crazy, Anya. Tssk! Old habits die hard. But your feelings for me vanished quickly as the wind. How is that possible, Anya?" he asked.