"Ahmm..." Anya didn't know what to say.

  "What?! Don't feed me with lies again, Anya. I'm still pissed! Tssk!” Andrius angrily glanced at her. His jaw was clenched. He also holds the steering wheel of the car tightly and breathes deeply.

  Anya leaned back in her seat. She closed her eyes and massaged her temple. She's so nervous about what might happen later. She didn't think that Andrius and their son would meet so soon. Perhaps, it's by chance or indeed timely. She wasn't sure. As far as she knows, Andrius was angry with her.

  She looked up and sighed. She also calmed her troubled heart. Then, she glanced at Andrius again. She thought she had to face his anger towards her.

  "I'm sorry, okay?" She interrupted the prevailing silence between them.

  “You should be. Five years, Anya... Fuck!” Andrius' answer made Anya shake her head. She heard him sigh several times. He was obviously trying to calm himself down.