
         Once everything had calmed down for all the groups and they at least were semi sure they were in a safe area it all hit them that they had no clues where each other was. They were scattered around Tennessee and none of them knew if the others had even made it out alive. For all they knew the others could very well be dead. Luckily that wasn't the case but it could take years to find each other again. There was basically no kind distance communication other then people passing off messages to others if they so happen to possibly be going in their direction. Other then that there was practically no way to find each other. Lasso, Bones and Charlie were in the middle of nowhere while Mama, Penny, and Pippin were in some city they weren't able to identify, and lastly Shiny and X were in Nashville. All far from each other.

        "Ok now that we got the roach situation over and done with what should we do?" X asked Shiny who still looked upset. "I don't fucking know X." He snapped and X just shook his head.  "Still angry?" He asked and Shiny just glare at him. X guessed that meant yes and chose to say nothing else. They walked through the quiet city trying to find somewhere to possibly fill up their canteens. "Do you have any water left?" Shiny asked and X nodded. "Half full" X told him and Shiny sighed. "Shit. Cause mine's empty" he mumbled and poked his head into an old grocery store. There was no food left other then some rotting fruits, vegetables, and bread. It looked fairly empty so he decided to step in and look around. He quietly walked through the aisles, pistol in one hand just in case. X stayed watch by the entrance to keep watch on the outside and listened to Shiny walking around, occasionally mumbling to himself. Shiny saw that there were no water bottles or anything left in the store that could be hydrating. Shiny used his free hand to pull his coat over his nose to try to block some of the spoiled milk and rotting food smell. "Would you hurry up Shine it smells so bad in here." X groaned and Shiny poked his head down one of the aisles which so happened to be full of alcohol still. "Hey X whoever raided this place left the good stuff" he chuckled and X just rolled his eyes.  "That'll just make us more dehydrated dumbass" he sighed and Shiny jogged up to him and out the door, meaning they were done there.

       X quietly followed Shiny around, trying to find more water. After hours of having no luck they both finally collapsed under the canopy of an old restaurant with outside seating and laid there in shade for awhile. It was very quiet but neither of them payed attention to that. They were just too tired from the shock of this morning and the running for hours to really care about their surroundings at the moment. There was no zombies or monsters that they could see so it seemed fairly safe. "X hand me your canteen" Shiny sat up and X tossed it to him. He took a few sips of water and handed it back to him. "Thanks." He sighed and leaned back against a pillar. Shiny looked down at X who he was pretty sure had fallen asleep. Shiny let him take his nap since he was the main one up on watch last night. Shiny leaned his head back and closed his eyes since they hurt from the sun. He lost track of how long they had sat there but finally came back to his surroundings when he felt a blade on his neck and someone kick his foot. "X quick fucking with me I'm not in the mood" he sighed and opened his eyes only to a figure in baggy black clothes, a mask, and a large hood. Their face was completely hidden and all he could see was a pale hand holding a knife to his throat. Shiny was about to say more but was motioned to keep quiet and follow.

         At first he refused but two other hooded figures came out of the abandoned restaurant and grabbed him, forcing him to his feet. "He-" he started but felt something blunt hit his head. The people managed to catch him when he went limp and they dragged him off. Others went back for X and kicked him awake. "The hell?..." he groaned but was yanked to his feet and shoved forward by other hooded figures. He looked around for Shiny and was threatened with the sharp point of an arrow at the back of his head whenever he tried to talk. He has no real choice but to walk with them and remain silent for the time being, X guessed that these hooded people had already taken Shiny. He was still tired and not fully thinking straight so instead of trying to walk with them at first he tried to take off running but stopped when he heard something whistle passed his ear and blood trickle down the side of his head. An arrow landed a few feet away from him and he froze and assumed that the archer missed on purpose just as a warning.

        They walked for miles after that. X didn't bother to ask where he was being taken cause that would possibly be the last thing he ever asked. The hooded people never said word and they never saw put the bow down behind him. X's weapons were still on him but he didn't think he would be able to do something before an arrow was through his skull so he did not bother. He just walked with them and hoped he would find Shiny too.