Ex Military

        As they quietly walked Thompson looked back at Lasso who was slowly shambling behind him. "When was the last time you ate cowboy?" He asked and noticed him glance at the two boys. "Yesterday..." he replied but Thompson didn't believe it. "Are you just saying that cause the other two are here or did you really eat yesterday?" He questioned but got no other response from the tired cowboy. "Do you boys have names?" Davey looked back at the other two. Charlie was the one who spoke for himself and Bones. "I'm Charlie and this is Bones-" he stammered out while motioning to the giant next to him who wasn't paying much attention. Davey then looked at the tired cowboy. "And you?" He asked but got no response. He doubted that the cowboy was even listening to the conversation around them. After a while of walking they could hear some men talking. Davey jogged ahead and it was a bunch of men in old military uniforms from years ago. "All of you behave we got a few newcomers" he told them and they all looked at him. "You guys actually found somebody alive?-" a man in a tattered Marines uniform asked and Davey nodded right as Thompson emerged from the trees.

        Behind him was Bones and Charlie then finally Lasso shambled out of the trees. "Holy fuck you got a giant-" one of them men in an Air Force uniform commented while starring up at Bones. Bones just quickly went back to Lasso to avoid as many people as possible. Charlie kept close to Bones for protection and Lasso was just out of it all. He could hear talking but it all sounded muffled to him. Lasso just kept his head down to try not to fall from dizziness and occasionally had to grip on to Bones's arm for support. He felt someone's hand on his shoulder that wasn't Bones's and quickly swatted them away. "Don't fucking touch me." He snapped and the deep voice of Thompson was the one who answered him. "Sit down" he told him but Lasso just kept his arm up to block. Thompson managed to sneak Lasso's gun out of his holster and toss it to one of the other guys to avoid getting shot. So Thompson doesn't get hurt, Bones just decided to pick Lasso up and sit down with him. He fought a little bit but ran out of energy fairly quickly and eventually fell asleep.

       Bones moved Lasso off him and laid him on the ground next to him then looked around. Davey walked over to him with a bowl messily carved out of wood with some sort of stew in it. "Here kid" he smiled at Bones and he took it with a confused look. One of the other guys handed the same thing to Charlie and they both looked confused. "It's just a stew" Davey reassured and both the boys started to drink it. Bones went to wake up Lasso but Davey stopped him. "Let him sleep ok? We'll feed him later on" he told him and Bones nodded and left him be. Lasso laid there motionless for hours and didn't wake up for  the rest of that day.

         One of the guys wandered off and came back with a hand full of mushrooms. He was the one sent to go find more things to eat and Bones quickly grabbed those out of his hands and tossed them away. "What the hell?!" He snapped and Bones shook his head. "Poisonous" was all he said and when the man went to retrieve them Bones stopped him. "False Morels, don't eat" Bones told him and he sighed and went and sat back down. Bones had read many books about fungi and things like that so he knew which were poisonous and which were edible and what health benefits they gave. After Bones did that he went and sat back down next to Charlie. That was the first thing any of them had heard Bones say and they didn't even know he could talk. Charlie avoided them all and hid by Bones as much as he could to avoid conversations. Eventually Bones started playing cards with a guy in a Marines uniform and the name tag on it said Smith. Bones quietly played Gin Rummy while Smith tried to get him talking while they play.

        Lasso had slept all day and night. Finally he heard someone call his name but it sounded like a woman's voice. He wasn't paying too much attention when he shambled into camp and there very well could be a woman in the camp that he did not see. He slowly opened his eyes and saw a pair of black steel toe boots in front of him. "Aye cowboy it's time to wake up bud, you've been sleepin' all day come on" the woman said and he recognized the voice. He hadn't heard it for awhile. He quickly looked up and saw who he thought was talking to him. It was Cypher, or so he thought at least. "Come on cowboy it's time to wake up." He was told once more and nudged by her foot this time. Lasso rubbed his eyes and looked up again and saw it was actually Thompson standing there trying to wake him up. "The fuck?..." he muttered and Thompson looked at him confused. "You ok cowboy?" He asked and Lasso slowly nodded and sat up. Lasso noticed that his jacket was off him and just draped over him instead almost like a blanket. He slowly put it back on and his vision was still blurred but he can make out certain people.

        Bones came over and gently poked his shoulder. That was Bones's way of asking if someone was ok. "I'm fine...." Lasso told him and gently blocked his hand. Bones handed him one of the canteens and Lasso took a long drink. Bones sat in front of him and just started poking him. "What?...use your words..." Lasso sighed and Bones kept poking him. "Talked a lot" was all he said and Lasso just looked at him confused. Thompson handed him one of the messily carved bowls with the stew. "Yeah you talked quite a bit in your sleep, who's mama?" He asked and Lasso sipped some of the stew before responding. "Mama Williams..." he answer and a bright smile appeared on Thompson's face. "Mama Williams?! Is that who your lookin for? We know her we could find her for ya!" Thompson told him then turned to his group. He called to about four of the men. "Go saddle up and go find Mama Williams" he told them and they wasted no time. "Saddle up?..." Lasso asked and Thompson sat by him and Bones. "We have horses, didn't you see?" Thompson asked and Lasso just shook his head no.

          The four took off in search off Mama Williams while Lasso was forced to stay here to heal up a bit. He wasn't happy about it but there was no way he'd be able to fight so he just stayed. Bones and Charlie were with him too and they were just happy to get more food then the usual rabbit or squirrel that they could catch. Lasso still was wondering about how he saw Cypher this morning. She was dead right?