Good Luck Penny

Now with a new confidence and more determination Penny went over how she was going to ask Mama Williams to go to Oregon. She played the scenario over and over in her head on how she was going to do it.

       "Just go up and ask her. It'll be fine." She muttered to herself. "Where else does she have to go anyway right?" Penny giggled quietly to herself which earned her a weird look from Davy that she simply ignored him. Then Penny remembered a something that possibly through a kink in her plan. One of Mama's boys could barely sit up let alone walk a long distance. She looked back over at Mama who was crouched next to the one who was injured. What was his name again? Xander? Xavier? One of those sound right. She grumbled quietly to herself, frustrated that this was going to be harder than expected.

          "Mama he needs to get up and walk around a little." Lasso told her and Mama Williams nodded in agreement. X has drifted off to sleep once more, never staying awake longer than 5-10 minutes. "Mama we might have to just make him stand-" Pippin suggested and Mama turned to Shiny. "Well you're going to have to do that cause you're the only one big enough to pull him up- unless Thompson wants to help." Mama told Shiny but Thompson turned once he heard his name. Bones was sitting next to X and shooed Shiny away when he tried to wake X up.

"Come on Bones we have to get him up and moving-" Shiny told him but Bones got up and nudged him away. Mama tried to get Bones to leave X so Shiny could help but Bones simply shook his head and sat back down next to him. All Bones knew was that X needed rest so he didn't want to push him to get up and move around. What he didn't know was that would actually help his back heal once more. So instead now the adults had to battle Bones to get him to let the others help. The only time Bones allowed them to wake him up was to have him eat something or drink some water. As Pippin was trying to gently explain why they needed X awake, Penny pulled Mama Williams off to the side.

"So I have an idea." She smiled reassuringly. "Now you do remember when we first met that I told you I came from a facility that was working on a cure correct?" She asked and Mama nodded along. "The facility that made the apocalypse much worse? Yeah I remember." She gave her an annoyed smile before it fading again. Penny let out an awkward giggle before continuing on. "Well you see there's another facility in Oregon," she stated but Mama began to turn and walk away with a scoff. "Wait wait wait, hear me out." Penny quickly shuffled in front of her with her hands out to stop her.

"What. For all we know that place is just a graveyard by now." Mama told her but Penny shook her head and showed her the radio she used to talk to June. "It's not, it's actually thriving Elizabeth." She smiled and Mama now had a hint of interest in her tired blue eyes. "And with the cowboy seeming to only be affected by the infection temporarily, we could use some of his blood to figure out a cure." Penny smiled but Mama didn't seem to happy about that.

"You're not going to use my son as a damn science experiment." She snapped but Penny quickly thought of an explanation. "Well when you put it like that it sounds wrong. But Elizabeth listen to me, because of him we could save millions all around the world. We're in contact with some facilities in outside countries and we could send it to them too once we figure it out! This hell could be put to an end!" She whispered loudly with a bright smile and Mama thought about it. "And there would be food and shelter for all of you," she explained. "And medical help for your one boy, what's his name again? The old looking guy?" She motioned over to X and Mama reminded her they all just call him X.

"So what do you say?" Penny smiled.

"Where is this facility?" Mama Williams asked and Penny's smiled became a little more nervous. "In Oregon-" she admitted. It was a little over a three week walk but it might be longer due to their injured friend. "I'll think about it." Mama told her then walked back to X. Penny let out a breath that she was holding for longer than she thought. Penny wandered off into the woods again and pulled out the radio.

She pressed a button and held it close to her mouth. "June, this is Penny over." She identified herself and waited a few minutes, listening to the soft crackle of the radio. Finally another woman's voice came over. "Hello Penny! Did she say yes? Over." June responded and Penny sighed. She explained the situation they were in and told her it was a maybe.

"Injured person? How badly?" June asked and Penny explained it was some sort of back injury but they didn't know what it was. She assumed it was a lumbar sprain. "This same guy also seems to be struggling with heat exhaustion. Elizabeth refuses to leave him though." Penny told her.

"Wait did you say Elizabeth?" June asked, disregarding everything is else Penny said. "Do you know her last name?" She asked, seeming a bit frantic. "Um she goes by Mama Williams so I assume Williams." Penny told her and June asked for a description of Mama Williams.

"Bright copper hair, kind of pale, sapphire blue eyes, she has a lazy eye which is her left eye, she's like 5'3 maybe 5'4, I think she said she was like 54 years old, maybe 55." Penny explained and she could tell excitement laced June's voice. "Go get her!! Put her on the radio! Let me talk to her!!" She demanded and Penny quickly ran back to the camp, turning off the radio to not alert anything. Once she got back she found Mama and pulled her aside again and handed her the radio.

"What do you want me to do with this?" Mama asked, her patience running low. "Press the button and say hello." Penny smiled and Mama rolled her eyes and did what she was told to do. She got an almost immediate response from the person on the other side.

"Eliza Eliza! It's me, June!"