
A few days after that night, I continued with my daily routine. It included helping Lilith with household chores, going to the department office, assisting with various office tasks, and more. I did everything as lightly as possible until my wound had fully healed.

Once my wound had healed, I immediately fulfilled my promise to Tree to meet him in his room. Tree's room was on the second floor of this department building, an unremarkable space but crucial in various situations. It was the health room, containing several beds and equipment identical to those found in a hospital. Inside, there was a door with a sign that read "Health Department Head's Room," indicating that Tree was waiting for me inside. However, there was a peculiar and familiar smell that had captured my attention, emanating from behind this door.

"Excuse me, Tree, are you inside?"

"Oh, come in, Snow, I didn't lock it."

Upon entering, my impression of this room was pure white, as white as a hospital room. The reason for the overwhelming whiteness was the thick, billowing white smoke that filled the Health Department head's room. The smoke was so thick that I had to wave my hand several times to clear it away. Tree was leaning against a small window in his room, continuously inhaling from a rolled-up tobacco.

"So, you're the source of this smell."

I said, covering my nose, as my sense of smell was quite sensitive. Tree chuckled and extinguished his cigarette. He gestured for me to sit down and began retrieving several folders and documents from his desk drawer. The folders were quite thick, and he even pulled out some thick books.

"So, Tree, what did you want to talk to me about?"

"Before that, I want to inform you about the response from our superiors regarding your mission report."

My mission report? Okay, now I was starting to panic. I was afraid that my superiors might fire me just because I wrote the report my way. The atmosphere grew increasingly awkward, with beads of sweat starting to form on my forehead.

"What's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine."

My response only made Tree laugh. I had no idea what was so funny about my increasingly profuse cold sweat.

"You don't need to be that tense, Snow. The superiors liked your report writing style. The other council members also agreed with them, so they've decided to extend the duration of your mission from the initial 1 month to 3 months, which means it will continue until your school graduation day."

"Wait, why are they extending my mission duration? Does Night know about this?"

"Of course, he knows. If it weren't for Night, the extension of your mission duration would never have happened. He suggested it to the higher-ups."

"So, what's his reason for doing that?"

"The first reason is because he wants you to experience education even if it's just for a short while. For Night, education is crucial, even as small as a peanut. He really hopes that while you're on this mission, you can feel what it's like to go to school, to have a friend, and to experience the beauty of graduation someday. The second reason is that our current target is incredibly mysterious. There's no data on their life whatsoever, but after receiving your report, which contained information about their family, it provided a glimmer of hope for the investigative team. For some reason, Night was pleased with your report."

"So, in essence, besides being pleased with my report, Night is also concerned about my education?"

"Not just you, Snow, but all the employees here. Even your sister has been receiving education. It's only basic knowledge, and it's just the two of us teaching, but at least they're very happy about it."

Unbeknownst to me, tears welled up in my eyes. I never realized that Night cared so much about our future. I felt a pang of regret for not taking my studies more seriously all this time, hardly talking to my classmates and other shortcomings.

"Thank you, Tree. Both you and Night care so much about us. I deeply regret not being more serious in class, not interacting much with my classmates, and many other things. I'm so sorry."

"Stop it, you don't need to act like that, especially considering you shouldn't be thanking me."

Suddenly, I remembered something crucial.

"Tree! Where is Night?! I haven't seen him since that incident."

"Who knows what that guy is thinking? He suddenly asked me to take over all of his tasks. I remember he said he wanted to go somewhere, but he didn't tell me where he was going. He also said he'd be back soon."

It had been a long time since that attack, but Night was still nowhere to be seen. Perhaps there were matters he needed to attend to, but it sounded very unusual that he didn't inform Tree of his destination.

"For now, let's put that aside because there's something else I need to tell you, Snow."

"There's more?"

"I'm going to teach you how to use the portal. You might have seen Night's Portal before."

"Portal? Isn't that something highly impossible?"

"The concrete evidence you've seen is when you first met Night. The Portal used to store everything inside it is entirely possible. It's all based on several scientific theories about the existence of another dimension, but those theories are extremely difficult to put into practice, almost impossible, one might say. But we, as Gen-X users who can be considered not ordinary humans, can do it. The key is just to learn the theories of molecules, space, and time. Plus, our bodies have a kind of energy used to manifest our Gen-X. This energy can flow out of the body and be gathered into a point that expands and creates a door or Portal to another dimension. But everyone's dimension has different space."

I just smiled and tilted my head to indicate that I didn't understand any of his words. Tree shook his head and handed me all the books and folders that had been on the table.

Molecular theory, theories about space and time, and even a book on how to control the amount of energy in the body. And, of course, he told me to understand all of this first before he would train me directly.

Tree said that this portal was much more practical for storing our weapons. The reason was simple, our weapons were quite large. He even mentioned that this portal could be used to store other formal weapons like knives, rifles, and even bombs.

Of course, all those weapons were commonplace for us, members of the Infinite Department. We always had to be ready for sudden movements or attacks, anytime, anywhere.

"I'll come back after understanding all of this."

"That's what I want. Be careful on your way, Snow."


Going to the office with just a small bag containing Y-Mirai was one thing, but now I had to carry this stack of books and folders. I didn't mind carrying as many books as necessary, but what had been bothering me since earlier were the strange looks from the people around me.

Fortunately, the distance between the office and my apartment wasn't too far. The problem was I had to pass the bus stop at the intersection before reaching my apartment. And now, it was rush hour, so I was sure there would be a lot of people there. I wasn't sure if I could handle their stares.

The bus stop was getting closer, and I noticed someone waving at me. Since it wasn't very clear, I walked with my head down and passed by. Then, I felt someone pulling my backpack. Who could it be?

"Hey, wait a minute. Why are you ignoring me, Snow?"

Wait a minute, this voice. It was Tania. It had been a very long time since we last met.

"Oh! Hi, Tania. It's been a while."

"What's that you're carrying?"

She peeked at the book's title and chuckled softly.

"So, Uncle Tree finally asked you to learn about the Portal, huh?"


"Ah, sorry. By 'uncle,' I meant Uncle Tree. He asked me to do the same thing as you, but I failed because it was too difficult to learn. Oh! Forgive me. Do you need help carrying those?"

"No need, it's not heavy."

Tania was also on her way to my apartment. She said she wanted to visit me after hearing that I was starting to recover.


"Snow, Lilith, would you like to join me at the amusement park in front of the station?"

"An amusement park, sis?! I really want to go there."

"Tania, would it be okay if we came along?"

"Of course, we'll go next Sunday. How does that sound?"

Lilith was ecstatic, and she ran over to hug Tania. Well, she was thrilled because since we moved here, we hadn't spent any time on a vacation. This would be a small but enjoyable holiday. Hopefully.

"Oh, Tania! Do you know where Night is now?"

"Dad? He hasn't been home for a week, and I was going to ask you guys."

Not even informing his own family, what was Night really up to? In this tight situation, he just disappeared, and now, I was the one working on the front lines.

If there were another attack, I wasn't sure if I could handle it. Night, wherever you are, please come back soon; Infinite really needs you.

"Alright, Snow, I have to go now. I'm afraid Mom is looking for me."

"Yes, be careful on your way, Tania."


Now it's Sunday. Yes, this is the day Tania promised for the three of us to meet at the amusement park in front of the station. However, I haven't seen any signs that she has arrived yet, and she didn't even answer my calls. I'm starting to get a bit worried.

"Brother, where could Tania be?"

"She'll be here soon, maybe."

Actually, from the beginning, I wanted to pick her up first and then come here, but last night, she said it wasn't necessary, that she could come here on her own.

Suddenly, someone covered my eyes from behind. Who is it? Lilith? But right now, I'm holding her hand, so who could this be?

"Guess who this is?"

This voice, it's so familiar. It turns out to be her.

"Jasmine, can you let go of your hand?"

She released her hand and then hugged me from behind.

"It's been a long time, Snow. What are you doing here?"

"I'm waiting for the person who helped me before. She invited both of us for a vacation here. What are you doing here?"

"I was just buying some small cakes in front of the station. They're delicious. Oh, while waiting, I got these cakes for you guys."

Sweet and warm little cakes, just like Jasmine. We didn't get bored waiting because she was here, accompanying us until Tania finally arrived.

"Snow! Lilith! I'm sorry I'm late. Who is this, Snow? Your friend?"

"Oh, Tania, let me introduce you. This is Jasmine, my classmate."

"Nice to meet you, Tania."

"Nice to meet you too."

Jasmine, although she seemed a bit shy, also looked happy to meet someone new. This sight warmed my heart. My two friends shook hands and laughed together.

"Oh, Snow, let's go in."

Tania immediately took my hand and led me into the amusement park. I waved to Jasmine as we entered. I wanted to invite her, but we only had tickets for three.

As we walked in, I wrote a message to Jasmine, hoping she wouldn't be upset.


A message came in on my phone, and in an instant, I knew who it was from.

"Sorry, I promise I'll take you here someday. Just the two of us, okay?"

Oh, Snow, you're too kind. I should probably get some tissues for my eyes.


The three of us enjoyed the bustling amusement park, playing various games available there. From noon until late afternoon, we laughed and had a great time. I was grateful that I could make Lilith laugh so freely. I would also have to thank Tania later.

As we left the amusement park, someone appeared who was already waiting for me. I was always prepared for a day like this, which is why I always carried Y-MIRai with me wherever I went.

"I suspected this would happen. Tania, take Lilith to a safe place now!"

"Okay, Snow."

"This time, I'll defeat you, Zero!"

Without further ado, she attacked me, and her attack was slightly weaker than it was that day. Maybe I could win this time.

Just as I thought so, she suddenly became very fast. Even though her attacks were weaker, if they were fast and continuous, I couldn't counterattack. Damn!


"This is the 50th one, only 150 more to go."

"It seems you have to return, your subordinates are in trouble."

"What?! There are only 150 left."

"You can continue later. Your daughter is there too."

"Fine, I'll come back."

"Hope you don't die, Night."

"Who do you think you're talking to? I'm Nightmare! It's not easy to kill me. Oh, by the way, I want to create some pollution before I go."

"You never change, do you?"

"I'll be back, partner."

"Hahaha, what are you talking about..."


"You don't need to come back; I'm always here."