

"Sis Tania, is my brother going to be okay?"

"I'm not sure, but with a speed like that, your brother should be fine."

"You look overwhelmed, Kak Tania. What should we do?"

"There's nothing we can do. We can only wait for a miracle to happen."

"Why don't you help him? Aren't you a Gen-X user too, Sis Tania?"

"Forgive me, Lilith, but I don't want to use that monster again."

Zero's movements were very different. Although her patterns remained the same, I felt that her movements were much stiffer than before. What's going on with her? After a few minutes, she stopped moving and just stood there.

"What's wrong with you, Zero? This isn't like you at all!"

She started moving again, but this time, she was just walking toward me. However, with each step, I felt the pressure of energy building up, even the ground couldn't contain it.

"It seems like I'm stuck in an unpleasant situation."

She prepared to strike me, and I could see it in her clenched fist. My heart and mind urged my body to move, but unfortunately, I couldn't move at all; my body was frozen. Terrified, I closed my eyes and resigned myself to whatever fate had in store. I could hear the sound of a powerful impact. When I opened my eyes, someone in a white suit was standing right in front of me.

"Oh my, Snow, I asked you to study, but here you are having fun."


It was hard to believe that Tree was able to block her attack with just his bare hand, especially since the sound of the blow was so loud.

"Hey... you dare to strike my student. I assure you, you won't be able to breathe again!"

Tree looked extremely angry, and Zero repeatedly tried to free her hand but failed.

"Snow, pay attention! This is how you properly summon a portal!"

Tree released his grip, and Zero immediately jumped away. This was the first time I had seen Tree look so serious.

Suddenly, I felt an immense energy, even greater than Zero's. Could it be Tree's energy?

"In the name of my queen, Dryad, I swear I will always maintain the balance of nature in this world, cure all diseases, defend the truth, and destroy all evil in this world. I'm ready to give all my soul to you, my queen. Therefore, lend me all your strength, let the power of my queen flow through my hand!"

I didn't understand the meaning of those words, but after Tree said them, a large, bright green portal appeared, and the energy it emitted was enormous, even forming a large tree. From the portal emerged a massive Sickle. I had never imagined there could be such immense power. Tree, you're truly amazing!

"After all this time, I can finally summon you again, my queen. Now, let's see how long you can hold the power of nature!"

Tree relentlessly attacked, the sound of the Sickle clashing with the Iron Gloves was continuous and deafening. Despite the size of his weapon, Tree's movements were incredibly agile, displaying extraordinary balance.

They continued their relentless barrage of attacks for about 20 minutes, their stamina seemingly boundless. This was the longest fight I had ever witnessed. However, Tree appeared to slow down slightly; perhaps he was starting to wear out.

"You're quite something to withstand my attacks for that long. Ah, damn, I really want a smoke right now!"

I didn't know what to do at this point, joining the fight would only be a hindrance. But if I didn't help, Tree could run out of energy entirely. I felt utterly helpless.

As we hesitated, Zero sprinted toward Tania and Lilith's hiding place. No! I had been overthinking things! Damn!

I tried to follow her, but Zero had already unleashed her punch right into the wall where they were hiding. I could only stand there, listening to the sounds coming from inside. I failed! I failed! Was I too weak? I couldn't protect my only family! I couldn't go on living! Ah... I just wanted to die.

"What's this? I'm disappointed to hear such cowardly thoughts from your mind."

Whose voice was this?

"This is me, haven't I promised to protect your sister from all sorts of danger? Besides, my daughter is here too, I can't just stand by."

Night? Is that you?

"Hah! You're overthinking things, Snow. Lift your head! And see who's protecting your sister!"


He's back, Night is truly back! He's holding Lilith and Tania, and there's some kind of gravitational field around them, shielding them from the collapsing wall. Night gently pushed Zero away, sending her flying quite a distance, and then he escorted them both towards me.

"Don't make that face, big brother; look at me, I'm fine."

I couldn't speak anymore, my legs were still trembling violently. I immediately embraced them tightly this time, it was enough to witness this horrifying event. I don't want to experience this again.

"Snow, you take care of them both, I'll assist Tree."


I mustn't keep trembling, the safety of Lilith and Tania is in my hands. I have to protect them!


"Yo, Tree! Looks like you're struggling."

"You took your time, Night. Did you bring cigarettes?"

"Oh, come on, this is a critical moment, and you're thinking about smoking."

"Shut up! You know that I can't regulate my breathing without cigarettes."

"Hahaha, typical tree-human. I've got one here, let's finish this quickly. I want to go home."

"Whatever, just get it done, but after this, I want an explanation from you."

"Yeah, yeah, let's do it like old times, Tree!"

"Yes. This time, he chose the wrong opponents. Let's finish him, Night!"

They seemed very enthusiastic, and for some reason, after smoking, Tree appeared more refreshed. I didn't know what was happening right now.

Night and Tree attacked Zero from two directions, fighting as if they were used to doing this together. Zero was overwhelmed by their relentless assault.

As I was too focused on watching their battle, Tania suddenly started coughing up blood.

"Tania! Are you okay?!"

"I'm okay, it's just that the energy shockwave created by Dad and Uncle was too strong. Even though I'm a Gen-X user too, my body is much weaker than other Gen-X users."

What Tania said was true, the shockwave of their energy was incredibly powerful. It made my heart race multiple times; they were truly extraordinary.


"Night, there's something strange about this kid."

"Well, you're right. He's like ice, his body temperature is like that of a corpse."

"Could it be?"

"We have to make sure first; Tree, be ready!"

"Got it!"

Night and Tree appeared very serious, they paused for a moment and assumed stances. Their gazes were deadly serious as if they intended to kill. Wait a minute! What if they actually wanted to kill her? I can't allow that to happen because I've promised to kill her myself.

I was too late, they moved too quickly for me to see their attacks. What I saw now was Zero's body split into three, but not a drop of blood came from the severed parts.

"Night, this..."

"Yes, your suspicion was correct, Tree. He's not human."

"What do you mean, Night?"

"Listen, Snow. What we faced earlier wasn't a human, it was a puppet infused with energy transferred by its user. Try removing the mask."

A puppet? It couldn't be, but if that's true, it explains why she didn't bleed after being slashed. To confirm, I removed the mask, and as Night said, it was just a puppet.

"But how can a puppet have such immense power?"

"Like I said before, the energy from its user flows through this puppet's body. In other words, there's a Gen-X user controlling it from a distance. If the energy provided is substantial, the puppet becomes stronger, and vice versa. Even though this puppet is powerful, it can never surpass its user's strength."

I understand now, but why did Zero use this puppet to attack us? Wouldn't it be easier to confront us directly? If Night's words are correct, then Zero's power goes beyond this.

"Alright, let's head back now. Tree, I request that you examine this puppet."

"Night! You're acting on your own again! Ah, whatever! Fine, I'll do it. But you owe me drinks tonight."

"Of course, old friend."

Night escorted us home, and Tania had to be carried because her body was weak. They escorted us to the bus stop.

"Snow, thank you for looking after my daughter. Her body has been weak for a long time."

"No, I should be the one who say that. Thanks to you, Lilith is safe. I won't forget your kindness."

"Hey! You're exaggerating. Remember this, I'll never ask for repayment from someone I've helped, especially when you two are my precious comrades. I can't just stand by if you're in danger."

You're truly a good person, Night.

"We're almost at the apartment; thank you, Night. See you again."

"Goodbye, take care of yourselves."


On the way home, I held Lilith's hand the whole time. My little sister responded by hugging my arm. Even though I'm a man, when it comes to the people I love, I become incredibly weak, especially since Lilith is my only family. My mental state could plummet instantly when I think about the terrible events that could threaten her life, just thinking about it makes my heart ache.

Once we arrived, we saw Jasmine sleeping in front of our apartment door. Had she been waiting for us all this time? Feeling Concerned, Lilith woke her up.

For some reason, seeing my sister wake her up made my heart recover instantly. Lilith's annoyed expression because of Jasmine's difficulty in waking up made me chuckle softly.

"Sis Jasmine, wake up! You'll get sick if you sleep outside."

"Eh! Lilith? You're back. I'm sorry, I must have dozed off."

"Why were you sleeping out here?"

"Um... I bought too much groceries, so I thought I'd cook dinner for you guys since you might be tired after playing at the amusement park."

That's why I could never find anything suspicious about her. She's the best person I've ever known, and I don't care if she's on the enemy's side or ours. Jasmine is Jasmine, and she's the best friend I've ever had.


"What?! You were attacked by unknown people?! Lilith, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Kak Jasmine, but you should ask about big brother's condition too."

"Ah! I'm sorry, Snow!"

"You don't need to be that dramatic. I'm fine, even though there are a few minor wounds."

Jasmine started tearing up again, and she hurriedly grabbed my first aid kit to check my injuries.

"How can you say all these wounds are minor?!"

She looked angry, but her panicked behavior made me unable to contain my laughter.

"Snow! Why are you laughing?!"

"Sorry, I just can't help but laugh when I see your adorable angry face."

"Oh my god! You're making me even angrier!!"

"I'm sorry, Jasmine, but I'm thankful that you were worried about us."

She just turned her head away, I knew she was feeling embarrassed from her blushing cheeks and ears. I couldn't stop laughing.


The night grew darker, and I had planned to escort Jasmine home, but an extraordinary coincidence was unfolding outside. As I opened the door, it turned out there was a raging storm outside. I couldn't escort her because we didn't have a coat to keep her from getting wet, and using an umbrella would be pointless.

"What if you stay over, Sis Jasmine?"

Both Jasmine and I were taken aback, we didn't expect this idea to come from my innocent little sister. We both blushed and looked down in embarrassment, leaving Lilith confused.

"What's wrong, you two? Doesn't Sis Jasmine want to stay over?"

"I... of course, I do, Lilith. Thank you, I'd be very happy."

"But we only have two bedrooms. What should we do?"

"I can sleep outside, you two can sleep in the bedrooms."

"But Snow, you need rest."

"I'm fine, really."


Bedtime finally arrived. Lilith went into her room, and Jasmine slept in mine. I felt incredibly awkward, which kept me awake for several hours.

"Ah! Can't sleep!"

I walked around to see if there was any coffee left. For some people, the habit of drinking coffee to fall asleep might seem odd, normally, people would have a warm glass of milk before bedtime. But that didn't work for me. I don't know why, but a cup of coffee makes me feel calmer, coffee is simply the best.


I was startled when I heard her voice. At first, I thought it might be an intruder, but luckily, it was just Jasmine. Wait a minute, what was she doing up at this hour?

"Snow, what are you doing here?"

"I just couldn't sleep. Are you here for the same reason?"

"I just got out of the bathroom. Hey... is that espresso?"

"Uh, yes."

"Can I have some coffee with you?"

Turns out, it wasn't just me who couldn't sleep, she was also restless. She said it was her first time staying at a friend's house, and now she was sleeping in a boy's room.

"Snow, you know, your message earlier made me happy. Are you serious?"

"Of course, I almost forgot about you because Lilith was so excited. I'm sorry for forgetting to invite you."

"It's okay, I'll look forward to that day. And more importantly, just being able to spend time like this with you is enough to make me happy."

We fell silent for a moment, and the uneasiness that had been haunting me slowly faded away, she was skilled at lightening the mood.

"Well, I'm going back to bed now. Thanks for the coffee."

She hurriedly walked back to the room, perhaps not because she was sleepy but because she was embarrassed. It was clear from her expression.

"Goodnight, Jasmine."

"Um, yeah, goodnight, Snow."

Maybe I would be staying up tonight.


"The coffee tonight tastes even better than usual."