
"Snow woke up, it was already morning."

"Wake up? But wasn't I staying up late? What time is it now? Where am I?"

There was a faint chuckle above me. Who was it?

"Oh Snow, you're so funny when you wake up."

I didn't understand what she meant, let alone who she was. I couldn't see clearly; my vision was still blurry.

"Get up quickly, I'll prepare breakfast first."

"Oh, okay."

I didn't care who she was anymore, the most important thing now was to wash my face. Where did I put the bathroom door? Ah, found it!

As I entered, I saw someone brushing their teeth. Well, even though it wasn't very clear to me, I still wanted to greet them.

"Good morning."

"Good morning brother, did Sis Jasmine wake you up too?"


"Thank goodness Jasmine woke us up; otherwise, we'd probably oversleep again."


Wait a minute, Jasmine?! I completely forgot she stayed overnight in our apartment last night. Damn, why did I fall asleep when I was busy playing with my game console last night?

Now that I think about it, she also woke up Lilith. So, the one who woke me up earlier was Jasmine, which means she saw my sleepy face. Damn, I feel so embarrassed now.

"What's wrong brother? Your face is all red, you'd better wash up quickly."

"Okay, you go first, I'll follow later."


The three of us enjoyed the usual morning atmosphere, starting from bathing, and breakfast, to cleaning the house. Because of this morning's awkwardness, I felt too uncomfortable to start a conversation. She always smiled at me, even though I just turned away due to embarrassment.

At 10 a.m., Jasmine bid farewell and thanked us. Worried that I might force her to let me accompany her home, we stopped by a minimarket to buy some drinks. I forgot her house was so far away. It was already 15 km from my apartment, but we were only halfway there.

"Jasmine, I want you to forget about my morning face. Please!"

"How can I forget when your face is not only stored in my memory but also my phone's memory?"

"You took a picture of me?"

"Of course, your face is so funny, I couldn't resist taking a photo."

I tried to grab her phone, but I always failed. Jasmine just laughed at my panicked actions.


After about an hour of travel, we arrived in front of her house, a very traditional-looking house. Her house was sandwiched between her wealthy neighbors, I could tell from their house models and heights. Among the row of houses along this alley, hers was the only one with a traditional design, while her neighbors' houses used modern styles.

"Snow, come in for a moment, I'll make some tea for you."

Inside her house was still very traditional, reminiscent of the traditional interior in District A. All the ornaments were well-kept and beautiful, like her sliding doors, tatami mats, the fish pond in her backyard, and her bonsai garden. Sitting on her back porch made me feel so relaxed; combined with the gentle breeze blowing on my face, it truly made me feel at peace.

"Sorry for making you wait, here's your tea."

"Thank you..."

"What's wrong, Snow?"

"I'm just surprised; you usually wear long pants everywhere, but now you're wearing the typical women's attire from District A, and you're even wearing a long skirt now. It makes you look more feminine."

"It's nothing, I always wear it at home. Since moving from District A, I've always preserved the traditions there, from house designs, furniture, garden models, and even the recipe for making delicious tea like the one we're drinking now."

Even though it was hot outside, sipping this tea felt like a cool breeze blowing, coupled with the beautiful view from her backyard; it made all my worries disappear instantly.


It had been a long time since I spent time with her like before, as the day grew hotter, I decided to head home. On the way back, I met a strange person who seemed to have been waiting for me. What did this person want?

"Good afternoon, nice to meet you."

"Who are you? What do you want?"

Although his words were very polite, I couldn't let my guard down. Whether this politeness was just a mask or if he was genuinely courteous, I couldn't tell.

"You don't need to be so tense, I'm here just to greet you."

"Can I trust you?"

"Of course. Oh, perhaps you're feeling tense because I suddenly appeared in front of you? Well then, let me introduce myself. My name is Shin, I am a spy directly commanded by the General. I come from District A, and I've been instructed to be your partner in various missions."

"So, you're..."

"You're correct, I'm the new member of the Infinite department. That's why I'm allowed to test your skills. In other words, I'll be fighting you first because I doubt your strength."

Without further ado, he immediately summoned two portals, from which Double Daggers emerged. His expression changed from flat to extremely arrogant.

"You're too careless!"

Before I knew it, he was behind me, his weapon poised at my throat. He was incredibly fast.

"You should know that I'm a former assassin who was highly respected. I was also a fugitive from your department before. Do you see that empty space in the basement? That's where my Fang Wolf was. So now you know that I'm a Gen-X user ranked SS, just like you. Speaking of Gen-X, my ability is Kegare, which means I can easily infiltrate someone's shadow."

Damn, he immobilized me, I couldn't move at all. Even though he was new, he overwhelmed me immediately. What should I do?!


"Why don't you use your new ability that I awakened in you earlier?"

You again! What do you want this time? I'm already having a hard time here.

"Use your ice ability, it's the ability I just awakened in you."

How do I do that? I have no idea, it was just a coincidence back then.

"Just imagine a sharp piece of ice appearing on your back, it's easy."

Alright, I'll try. Thanks.


Focus, take a deep breath and hold it in my chest, then imagine a sharp piece of ice appearing on my back while slowly exhaling. Now's the time!

"Ah!! What is this?!"

Success, my ice pierced him. I can't believe I did it, it's incredible!

"So that's how it is, you've successfully learned Double Gen-X. I was quite surprised earlier."

"What do you mean?"

"Double Gen-X is the second ability a Gen-X user can control after making a contract with Soul."

"What? Soul? I don't understand."

"You'll understand later."

Without any further response, he immediately attacked me continuously. Although it was quite difficult to control two weapons at once, his movements were very fast, and all his attacks always hit Y-MIRai.

We fought fiercely, we had been like this for hours, and we had moved locations several times. As the day progressed, our energy drained, but I began to master my Double Gen-X ability more. Everywhere my attacks landed left scratches, and the temperature dropped significantly.

"You look very tired, how about you just give up?"

"Hahaha, you're too confident, I can still stand."

Truly, he was overwhelming me. It was already late afternoon, and I didn't want to worry Lilith. I would end this fight in one strike, I would use all the remaining energy I had.

As we prepared to attack, something suddenly fell in the middle of us. I couldn't see what it was because it was covered in thick dust, and then tree branches tied me up, I couldn't move.

"Can you guys stop this foolish game? You're only adding to my workload!"

This voice...

"Tree! Are you here to help me?"

"Who wants to help you, Snow? I'm here to punish both of you, especially you, Shin. I've worked hard to get permission from the general, but you're attacking our members."

"What is this? Let me go, doctor!"

"Didn't I tell you many times not to call me that?"

Tree seemed very displeased with him as he tightened the bindings. Tree slammed him hard to the ground with its branches.

We were lectured for a long time, there was nothing we could do but stay silent and listen. After finishing his scolding, he released both of us.

"So, Shin, do you acknowledge Snow as your partner?"

"Yes, yes, I admit it. Are you satisfied now, Tree?"

"Yes, but don't repeat this again!"

"Okay, then I'll take my leave."

He drowned in his own shadow and then disappeared. It's hard to believe there are strange abilities like that.

Tree then healed the various scratches I received earlier, his hands could turn into a collection of tree branches, and with those plant cells, he healed my damaged cells.

"Alright, we're done."

"Thank you, Tree; I'm sorry for fighting with him earlier."

"It's okay as long as you two are okay. I'll just give you a bit of advice, don't get too involved with him, even though he'll be your partner. Moreover, he's a former criminal and very dangerous."

"Is he the SS-ranked Gen-X user who's currently in custody?"

"Yes, you're right. I asked the general for permission to release him because we're short on members."

"Okay, I understand. Thank you for healing my wounds."

"No problem, it's my job."

"Then I'll take my leave, Tree."

"Yes, be careful on the way."

I'm not sure what would've happened to both of us if he hadn't come, I'm grateful that this department has someone like him.


"Damn it! He tied me up with branches coated with poison again. Luckily, it's the same poison as three years ago. I can't believe he's still making this poison. But anyway, he hasn't increased the concentration of his poison, it seems you're still thinking about that incident, doctor."


"This poison doesn't hurt at all."