
"Sis Hana, can you take us to Mom's grave?"

"Yes, follow me."

Right next to the house, Mother's grave was located, surrounded by many beautiful flowers. I could tell it was Sis Hana who planted them. Thanks to these flowers, Mother's grave looked very beautiful and fitting for her when she was alive.

"So this is Mother's grave. Even though I can't remember her at all, I miss her so much. Thank you, Sis Hana, because of you, brother and I can meet Mother once again."

Sis Hana cried upon hearing my words, she hugged Lilith gently and kept sobbing.

"Forgive me, Yuno... if only I... had come sooner, perhaps Yuki would have survived... and I wouldn't have lost you... forgive me."

Lilith, hearing her sincere apology, immediately joined in crying and hugged Sis Hana back.

"No... it's not your fault, sis... all of this is fate... and we humans can't fight it..."


After praying, we were asked to rest. Lilith slept in the room, while Sis Hana and Jasmine cooked in the kitchen. Shin and I packed up our belongings, this lively atmosphere wasn't bad at all.

"This is the last one."

After finishing, we went to the house's terrace to relax.

"Is she really my aunt?"

"Yes, she's your aunt."

"How do you know?"

"I checked, along with your shadows from earlier, and the results matched."

"Hey Shin, once again you're using your shadow without permission."

"Come on, it's for safety. If she turns out to be a fraud, we could end up in trouble."

"Hahaha, well, thank you."

As the day grew later, the sun descended. The sounds of nocturnal animals began to fill the surroundings of the house, and slowly the sunset. And at that moment, Shin and I felt a negative energy approaching.

"Hey Shin, isn't District H supposed to have minimal crime?"

"Yes, according to data, it's like that, but just because it's minimal doesn't mean there's no crime, right?"

"Hahaha... looks like this might be a bit troublesome."

Slowly but surely, we began to see figures emerging among the shadows of the trees.

"Heh... looks like I'm a little late."

"Who's there?!"

"There's no way you wouldn't recognize me, we've met before."

I really didn't know who he was, he only showed his body while his face was covered by the night shadows.

"Come on, are you deaf, kid?"

"This voice, could it be..."

Slowly his face became visible in the moonlight, and indeed it was...

"I am Rocka, long time no see, kid."

"Hahaha... damn it, what are you doing here?"

"Hmm... I've been ordered by Light to pick someone up here."

Someone? What did he mean? Could it be that he was targeting me?

"I'm not sure, but I have to stop you here. Let's go, Shin!"

Shin and I immediately attacked him, our movements were very fast. Shin teleported his shadow right behind him and immobilized him, while I aimed my Y-MIRai right at his neck.

"Checkmate! You can't move now."

"Hah... you fools."

Suddenly there was a bump in the ground that jammed my body and sent me flying far away.


"Now it's your turn, assassin."

He stabbed Shin's body with sharp soil, and Shin immediately fell to the ground.


"Hey, no need to shout. I'm still alive, look behind you."

Suddenly Shin was already behind me, and there was no sign of injury on his body at all.

"Wow... you're amazing too, assassin."

"Thank you."

Wait, if this is Shin, then who is the body over there?

"You're amazing too, assassin, being able to manipulate your Gen.X abilities like that."

"What do you mean?"

"Thanks for the compliment, but it's just a simple thing. I just created a clone with my shadow in a short time, so I could avoid situations like earlier."

Cool! He can change his shadow at will.

"Snow! I heard a very loud noise from outside, what's going on?!"

"Jasmine! Don't go out, quickly come inside."

"You finally came out."

Rocka could instantly be in the midst of us and hit me very hard until I fell to the ground.

"You bastard!"

"The same trick doesn't work on me, assassin."

He also hit Shin hard, casually walked past us, and stood right in front of Jasmine.

"Heh, so you're the one. I can feel a bit of energy in your body, truly a perfect body for mother."

Jasmine looked scared, she couldn't move at all. Damn, his punch earlier made my head very dizzy, I couldn't control my body's balance.

"Enough of this! Release my nephew and his friends, if you don't, I won't hesitate to pull the trigger."

Sis Hana, who appeared out of nowhere with a long-barreled rifle pointed right at Rocka's forehead, looked very calm with Sis Hana's serious gaze, which was quite intimidating.

"Oh, there's a weapon like this here too. I thought the woman living here was just an ordinary waiter, but not."

"That's right, I used to be an ex-army. So it's easy for me to handle various weapons, and I could kill you right now."

"Hey hey dear, that thing is too dangerous for a beautiful woman like you. Be my girlfriend, and we can go away from this place."

"Oh my, you calling beautiful. How sweet, if only you weren't evil, I would have accepted your offer right away. But unfortunately, it seems impossible."

"Oh how rude... this is the first time I've been rejected by a woman, so why did you refuse me?"

"Because you'll die here."

With a sweet smile on her face, Sis Hana fired a shot at his head, but Rocka didn't falter at all.

"Hahaha, too bad even though you're very beautiful when it comes to work, it must be done."

He pushed and slammed Sis Hana, even breaking the rifle easily with one hand.

"Sis Hana!"

"I don't want to stay here any longer, I'll take her now."

Rocka immediately grabbed Jasmine and took her away.

"Snow! Help me!"


Shin and I ran after him but he easily kicked us back, damn it! Damn it! Damn it!

"How boring, in that case, see you again."

He opened a portal and went inside, I wanted to chase after him but my head hurt too much to maintain my body's balance.

Damn! I can't hold his attack, even after successfully passing through the time paradox, but I'm still weak. Damn it!


We both ended up fainting and woke up the next morning. Our bodies were covered in bruises, and the atmosphere in the house became very heavy. Since waking up now, I've only shown an angry face, how could I let him go. Damn!

"Brother... calm down a little, if you can't calm down, your wounds won't heal."

"Yuno is right, you have to calm down first."

"How can I calm down when my friend was easily kidnapped by someone!"

Everyone in this house was shocked by what I just said, ah damn I got carried away by emotions.

"I'm sorry everyone..."

"It's okay, what's more important is we need to come up with a plan to bring her back..."

"Sorry for interrupting, but how can you be so calm after seeing some unusual things last night? Who are you really?!"


"Yes, I understand your curiosity. I'm a former army in the central military. After that laboratory was officially established in this area, I was given a mission to monitor its development. So when I came here, I thought to visit my sister who happened to also be in this district, but when I arrived, Yuki had already gone far away, and since then I've been out of the military and living in this house. A few years later, my superior came and told me that the laboratory had been disbanded children with strange abilities were scattered throughout the country, and he provided a lot of data about Gen.X users like you. That's why from the beginning I wasn't surprised by the changes in your eyes, Yama. I'm also accustomed to extraordinary powers beyond your understanding."

"Thank you, with this everything is clear. Now, let's get ready Snow. We're going to bring Jasmine back safely."

We prepared everything, from weapons, and snacks, to some first aid supplies. But when we wanted to track her whereabouts, there was something strange that surprised us.


"What's wrong?!"

"I tracked her using the shadow I left on Jasmine's body, but they're not in this district."

"Where are they then?"

"Not in any district, they..."

"If not in any district, then what country are they in?"

"Not that, they're in... another dimension."

"What?! How is that possible?"

It couldn't be possible to be in another dimension, how did they do it?

"Ah damn, if it's come to this, I have to use it."


He began to gather energy around his body, and a large portal appeared beneath his feet.

"With my blood, I call you the Darkness of Night, show your form, show your fangs, rise up my loyal servant, Kuro!"

From within the portal emerged a black wolf with strange markings on its head, the wolf immediately bowed its head.

"I come to answer your call, Master."

"He can talk!"

Lilith and I were astonished by what was in front of us, it was unbelievable that there was a wolf that could talk.

"He is my soul, his name is Kuro. He's a werewolf, when I fought him before, he lost and asked me to make him my servant."

"Wait, if he's a werewolf, that means he can also transform into a human."

"That's correct, but he's more comfortable in his wolf form."

"You must be my master's friends, thank you for agreeing to keep my master safe."

For a soul, this wolf was overly polite.

"Kuro, find out which dimension they're in."

"Yes, Master!"

The wolf began to emit a vast amount of energy, the strange markings on his forehead glowing. After a few seconds, the energy returned to normal.

"Master, I've found out where they are."

"Good, now I will set up a connection point here so we can return easily. Kuro, open the gate to there."

"Understood! Awoo!"

The wolf howled, and from his howl emerged a very large portal forming a door. But... the shape was kind of... scary

"Wow... the shape is pretty cool, isn't it, hahaha..."

"Well, what can I say? Kuro is a werewolf, at first, even I was scared seeing his gate, but I've gotten used to it. Alright, let's go."

"Yes, Master!"

"Kuro, stay here. Take care of Lilith and Hana, and if you come along and get injured, we won't be able to come back here. Do you understand?"

"But... Master, it would be easier to fight someone like him in my true form."

"That's true, but if we lose, we'll be trapped in there forever. Enough, we'll come back."

Wow, this wolf, when you think about it, is more like a dog that doesn't want to be left by its owner. Truly, how far can his abilities go?

"Brother, be careful, and come back quickly."

"Yes, I promise and I will take Jasmine back with me"

"Hold on Yama, I have something for you."

Something? What is it?

"Can you come here?"

Sis Hana asked me to enter the house again, what exactly did she want to give to me?

"What's wrong"

"Here, take this."

She gives me a little box, inside the box there are 3 small injections with a blue-colored liquid inside it.

"What is it?"

"This is healing serum."

"Wait! Serum?! Why this thing can here?!"

"Ssh... don't scream like that. This serum is different from serum X. This serum can heal your body immediately. it can be useful as doping too. However, the user can only have 1 injection in 24 hours. If you use more than 1 injection, it can break your body. I am giving you 3 serums here just in case you, Shin, and Jasmine have serious injuries. Understood?"

"Yes, thanks."

She started stroking my face and started straightening my clothes.


"Are you ready, Snow?"

"Yes, let's save Jasmine!"

"Kuro, open the gate!"



"We'll bring you back home."