
We entered the gate to another dimension, a dimension I had never seen before. As we emerged from the gate, the first thing we saw was a barren land. The ground beneath our feet was not soil, but hardened lava, with some still-smoldering lava scattered throughout. What kind of place is this?

"This dimension is quite strange, unlike any other dimension I've visited before."

"Have you traveled like this before?"

"Yes, a few times. But this place is entirely different, with nothing but hardened lava. Other dimensions usually resemble Earth."

We began to follow the shadowy trails on Jasmine's body, getting closer to her location as the temperature rose.

"Damn! It's so hot, this is the worst dimension I've ever visited."

I felt a little sorry for her. Shin had been sweating profusely for some time, while I didn't feel any heat at all due to the Gen.X energy flowing through my body, as cold as ice. I decided to use a bit of my Gen.X to cool him down, at least it was the least I could do to repay his help.


"Wow! What's this?"

"It's snow, just a little bit to cool you down."

"No wonder you didn't feel hot earlier. Thanks, Snow."

We continued walking, and right in front of us was a large rock forming a throne, with Rocka seated atop it.

"I'm impressed you made it this far. This dimension is very difficult to reach."

"Where's Jasmine?!"

"Oh, you mean that woman? She's behind me."

We saw Jasmine bound in chains, even wearing a prisoner's necklace. What hurt me even more was that she was unconscious and covered in bruises.

"You bastard! What have you done to her?!"

"What? She's been rebelling since yesterday, so I gave her a little punishment. Don't worry, I don't intend to kill her because she's very useful to us."


"What do you mean, N.E.O.?"

"Oh, you're quite impressive, newcomer! You even know our organization's name. Let me guess... it must have been Zero who told you, am I right?"

How could he know?!

"I'm waiting for someone, and it's making me very bored. How about you entertain me with your abilities? Oh, sorry... I forgot that you're all very weak."

This guy, he's really belittling us. I want to take him down but with my current abilities... I can't win.

"What if I entertain you instead?"

"Oh, assassin! Do you still retain your true strength?"

"It's not my true strength, but I'm sure it can match yours."

"Hahaha! I'm very interested to hear it. Go ahead."

"First Gate, I am an evil, always killing others indiscriminately, I am the master of the night, no one can escape from my eternal darkness. First Form, Saisho no Kiba!"

Instantly, a huge shadow stretched out over Shin, and a few moments later, the shadow disappeared, revealing a different Shin. His skin was much paler than before, his hair turned silver and slightly longer, his purple cornea eyes now glowing, and his pupils forming wolf-like eyes.

"When was the last time this form was used?"

"Wow! Cool, assassin!"

"Thanks for the compliment. Now, what I have to do is..."


Shin suddenly disappeared, and when I realized it, Rocka had collapsed!

"Awesome! You're amazing, Shin!"

"Don't celebrate just yet, he can still get up."

Rocka tried to get up, despite his injured face, but he looked very happy after receiving Shin's attack.

"Hahaha! Impressive! This is the first time I've been knocked down with one blow, what's your name, assassin?"


"Shin! Yes, I'll remember your name, and it will go down in history as the only human who could defeat the god Ares with one strike."

"Wait! Ares, you said?"

"Yes, and now your name will be recorded among the names of Ares' fallen enemies on the battlefield!"

"Damn! Snow, run..."

Shin was hit with bare hands and sent flying.

"I am the source of strength, I am the king of war, no one can escape from me, I am the god of war who rules the earth, Ares!"

Two golden portals appeared, covering both of his arms, and then disappeared. A pair of Gloves emerged from his arms, emitting fire from the cracks. He then tore his shirt, revealing a strange glowing red tattoo growing from his arms and neck.

"Let's go! Rise and fight me, Shin!"

He dashed towards Shin and began attacking him relentlessly, but Shin seemed able to match his movements. It was a fierce battle, is this the true power of Gen.X?!


"Come on! Come on! What's wrong?! Hurry up and try to kill me! Shin!"

Damn, if I had known he was Ares I wouldn't have confronted him earlier. But it's too late now, I won't lose!

"It is an honor for me to be able to fight you, the god Ares."

"Oh... so you know who I am."

"Yes, the god Ares is the god of war in mythology. You are known as the god who is very bloodthirsty, and you are merciless to your enemies. You are the strongest god among the others."

"Ha... you're good at praising, too."

"But... you are the embodiment of murder and cruelty, because of your arrogant nature, very few are willing to worship you. In other words, although you are very strong, you are very hated by your people!"

I baited him a little, if this works, he will be very angry and unleash his full power. And when a Gen.X user with the soul of a god uses his full power, he won't last long because he'll run out of energy. That's when I'll take Snow and Jasmine away from here. Now, let's see how it goes.


He laughed. What's really happening?

"Exactly! Everything you said is true, Shin, and everyone who doesn't worship me anymore, I killed them."

What?! But why?!

"Don't gods disappear when they don't have followers anymore?"

"You're right, but it only takes one follower to keep my existence. And the only person who still believes in me is me myself. In other words, the only one who still believes in me is Rocka himself."

"What?! It can't be..."

"You're right again, if it's just one person, my power would be very weak. But what if that one person has a high hatred and thirst for blood? Then with just him alone, I can still exist. Right now, we are one person and one consciousness. You know what that means?"

"It can't be..."

It's impossible for a contract to merge him with his soul, especially since they've become one consciousness. If this is true, then Ares has risen again to the mortal world in human form. Damn! This is very dangerous!

"Alright, now it's time to get serious."

"Oh, so you haven't been serious until now, Ares."

"Of course, you're just a small insect here."

"In that case, I'll start being serious too, Ares!"

I began attacking him relentlessly until

 he was pushed back. He didn't resist at all, just blocking all my attacks, yet strangely he seemed to enjoy all the attacks.

"Feel this! Jigoku no Okami!"

Jigoku no Okami is one of my abilities, it takes the form of a large shadow wolf's mouth that swallows my target and drags them into hell. Any living creature hit by this attack cannot survive, they'll become nothing but corpses.

"Wow! That's a big shadow wolf's mouth surrounding me."

"Any last words?"

"Do it."


He was swallowed, so he's dead now. But strangely, can the god of war be easily defeated with only 20% of my power?

"Finally, it's safe for now. I need to quickly catch up with Snow and get them out of here."

As I was about to step forward, suddenly my leg was grabbed by something, it was... his hand! But how?!

He pulled me into the ground and dragged my body into the earth. Damn, I can't fight back!

"Ha... ha!!"

I was thrown into the air, and he quickly jumped and slammed me into the ground with his Gloves. The ground where I was slammed shattered, and from within came out a lot of hot lava. The lava burned my clothes and my back, it's so hot! Damn! Damn! Damn!

I tried to get up several times but my body was restrained by him, and with a happy face he started pounding on my face. His Gloves were very hard and hot, as hot as this lava. Damn! Damn! Damn!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Come on Shin! Squirm like a worm! And die in a disgusting way!"

Damn, I can't take this anymore...

"Release him!"

A huge block of ice hit him, sending him flying far away. Judging from that attack, I could tell it was Snow.

He's much stronger now, to be honest, I didn't expect him to be this strong. He was struggling against me before, but now he can create such a huge ice block and throw it easily. It might sound a bit disgusting, but I'm very proud of my friend.


"Shin! Are you alright?!"

"Snow... was that your ice just now?"

"Yes, that was my ice."

"The one you're carrying, is she Jasmine? How is she?"

"Yes, I managed to cut her chains and she's fine, just exhausted."

"Thank goodness..."

Shin's body was covered in burns.


"What is it, Snow?"

"Those burns, were they caused by Rocka?"

"Yes, but it's nothing serious, just minor injuries."

I slapped his wounds lightly.

"Ouch! Hey!"

"If it hurts, it means it's a serious injury, idiot!"

I took out the box given by Sis Hana and gave it to Shin.

"What's this, Snow? This thing looks familiar, don't tell me it's..."

"Yes, you're right, this is..."


"A Serum."