Alternate timeline.

To begin with a bit of science and fiction:

earth is the field of a genetic experiment of a superior race that during human history abducted and modified humans to study social development, it would present the existence of humans modified to develop special characteristics, these experiments were only applied to the Caucasian European human group

which are 3 types:


The nobles presented the following modifications:

Acceleration of growth and when they reach adulthood they present a slowing down of aging, reaching the age of 6 years to look like young men of 16 years old until 45 years old.

- The cognitive development also presents an acceleration, having a learning capacity 3 times faster than normal.

- Life expectancy is estimated at 210 years.

- Average height between 1.80 m and 1.95 m.

- Muscular strength and endurance varies according to the type of individual, but is about 2-4 times stronger and more resistant than a normal person.

-Accelerated metabolism, having to consume more food to stay in shape ranges according to their strength, this also gives them resistance to poisons, making it extremely difficult to kill them with poisons.

- Enhanced immune system, making them immune to known diseases and with great ability to adapt to new ones.


commoners exhibit the following modifications:

-improved fertility, becoming normal to have 5 children per birth with survival rates very close to 100% (mother and children).

-Cerebral modification conformism, a modification that causes those affected to be docile and not to seek to challenge the status quo.

- Loyalty brain modification, a modification that produces a desire to serve someone or something.


to deal with the growing population, the most common food of European man was also modified

-accelerated growth

-resistance to disease

-resistance to climate

-increased production quantity

Changes in European history


-gunpowder not discovered for military use

-More advanced agricultural technology

-knights continue to be the most feared units on the battlefield

-Infantry revolution also happens, cavalry is no longer invincible in the open field, but without arquebuses they cannot take the title of the best unit away from the knights.

-Crossbows are the anti-knight weapon of excellence.

-famines are common

-outbreaks of minor diseases are common

-the value of labor is insignificant

-black plague never spread

Spain: with increased peasant levies the kingdom of Castile and the kingdom of Aragon manage to expel the arab muslims earlier from the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal could never become independent of the kingdom of Leon, which causes Castile to maintain the union, Castile participates more actively in the crusades, without the Portuguese commercial competition, the conflict that provokes the search for new trade routes and the discovery of America never occurs, Charles I of Spain marries Mary I of England, which causes England not to fall into the reformation, since Henry VIII does not want to risk his alliance with Spain against his natural enemy France.

France: the history of France does not change, war of the 100 years more bloody, loses the Italian wars against Spain, participates intensely in the crusades.

England: not Protestant, under personal union with Spain, with Spanish help conquers Scotland.

Italy: the Spanish take control of Italy, except for the Genoese republic under French control and Venice and Lombardy by Austria.

Netherlands: they become independent, leaving Belgium in Spanish hands.

Austria: emperors in name only, conquest of Hungary, Serbia and Bosnia, in conflict with the Turks, but the conflict takes place on the Hungarian-Bulgarian border, in constant conflict with the kings in Prussia for their constant conquest of the empire, the Von Habsburgs do not practice incest.

Egypt: conquered in the Crusades, the largest breadbasket of Europe, ruled by a king of Germanic heritage, fights with the help of the kingdom of Jerusalem against Turkish expansion.

Jerusalem: conquered in the Crusades, reaches from Sinai to Aleppo, ruled by a king of French heritage, fights against the Turks while trying to conquer Arabia.

Russia:no change from the conflict with the golden horde, but faced the Teutonic order in their crusades in the east, borders the Prussian state on the Dnieper River to Ingria on the Baltic Sea.

Teutonic order/Prussia:the Teutonic order received more troops in their crusades against Poland and Lithuania, together with the Livonia order they manage to defeat and capture the Polish king and grand duke of Lithuania, Władysław II Jagiełłło in the battle for Kraków, without leadership they took without problems the remains of castles as far as Russia.

They tried to convert the pagans violently which led to a great Polish-Lithuanian rebellion that was bloodily crushed, then began a period of persecution of Poles and Lithuanians which forced them to immigrate to the eastern steppes leaving the land for Germanic settlers.

To celebrate this victory all the Teutonic knights were invited to the castle of Malbork, where the fall of the crusade order came, the confederation of merchants and nobles of prussia, poisoned the wine of the party, this did not kill them, but left them in such a bad state that they were easy prey for the rebels who took them prisoners, Johannes von Baysen leader of the rebellion offered the territories to the Margrave of Brandenburg in exchange for tax exemptions and a marriage of his son with a daughter of the leaders of the confederation, The small armies of the margrave with the help of the confederation took all the Teutonic territories in less than a year, in 1433 with his friendship with the Holy Roman emperor he was granted the title of king in Prussia, becoming at once the most powerful sovereign in Europe, although he was still a subject of the Germanic Roman emperor.

The Teutonic order is now vassal of the kings in Prussia, after convincing the surviving knights of Malbork to serve the new monarch, where they act as royal guard, their labors are no longer focused on the conquest and conversion of territories in the east, now is the protection of their new lords and recruitment/kidnapping of worthy nobles to serve as knights.

The kings in Prussia were dedicated to maintain the conquered, Germanizing the east, completing the policies of expulsion of the Teutons, with time and the growth of their forces began the conquest of territories of the Holy Roman Empire, conquering Saxony, Mecklenburg, Pomerania, Lübeck, Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein of Denmark helping Sweden to become independent, in gratitude King Gustav Vasa sent knights as a gift to the Teutonic order and Finnish soldiers who became the kings most effective and reliable scouting force in Prussia, causing many Finns to seek to migrate to Prussia because of how well paid and treated these men were in the Finnish regiments of the Prussian army.

Friedrich Wilhelm I: 1500-1580: was the king who began the Prussian expansion into the Holy Germanic Empire, taking advantage of his inheritance from his ancestors in his early years he reformed the Prussian army from peasant levies accompanied by knights and mercenaries to a fully professional army, equipped with the best armor and weapons the king could afford, conquering all of northeastern Germany and seizing German territories from the king of Denmark-Norway, helping Swedish independence by establishing a future alliance with the Vasa Dynasty, He was one of the first to support Luther's Protestant Reformation, the church, although no one openly questioned it, was widely known to be corrupt to the core. With the influence and power of the most powerful monarch in Europe, the Protestant Reformation expanded aggressively into the northern territories of the empire, and he carried out the Cursed Alliance, an alliance with the Ottoman Empire in defense of Russian expansionism in the east, with great influence of the Teutonic order at the court of Prussia where he established clothing laws for the king's banquets and balls where everyone had to wear a tabard with a black cross on white, standardized military training, established logistic companies, a corps of professional engineers to use artillery (scorpions and catapults) on the battlefield, established the Finns as scouts and saboteurs, establishing that no army could march without having Finns in front of them, he copied and adapted the French gendarmes who were experts in smashing pike formations and used the concept of Spanish horsemen to actively harass enemy forces, in his married life he had 8 sons although only 2 survived because the other 6 died in his military campaigns because he insisted that leaders must command their men from the front, he died in 1580 on the walls of Magdeburg trying to take the city, he became known as the soldier king.

Friedrich III 1580-1634:

Which is worse? A fanatic king or a king who does not know how to lead his men and hates to give up control, both, that describes Friedrich III, creator of the Protestant league, famously known for blindly listening to the words of the great master of the Teutonic order on the protection of Protestant believers in the empire, although his government at first was quite peaceful everything changed when the largest religious conflict in Europe so far began, In 1618 the Bohemians seeing that their possible new king would be an ultra-Catholic fanatic offered the Bohemian crown to all the princes of the empire, Friedrich III would have been the first to be in Bohemia, but to his bad luck he was campaigning in Russia with the Ottomans taking advantage of the summer, not having help the Bohemians lost and the defenestration of Prague happened, Friedrich III as self-proclaimed protector of the Protestant faith declared the war to the emperor of the Holy Roman Germanic Empire what provoked a domino effect in Europe, Austria called to his Catholic allies, the papal states, the princes of the south of Germany, the Spanish empire and England, on the other hand the king of Prussia called the king of Sweden, the Protestant princes of the north, Denmark and France joined the Prussian side because if Prussia fell the balance of power in Europe would be lost, at the beginning the war ran in favor of the Protestant union because they faced separated enemies and without cohesion taking several castles in the first 4 years of war, but when the Spaniards managed to join and unify their generals in an army in the German front the war changed (they were fighting against the French), Friedrich III lost battle after battle, lost castle after castle, everything he conquered he lost in 3 years, between his anger and obsession he never stopped listening to the grand master of the Teutonic order, he always said that the reason why he lost in the battlefield was because his men did not see him charging the enemy, although he wished to commit such idiocy, but he had no heir, more than his brother who had "strange" tastes, his wife was infertile (he hardly touched his wife, the king was celibate), at that time he tried to have a son with renewed vigor, it took him 2 years to conceive a son, if it were not because the French managed to give a substantial defeat to the Catholic armies in Italy, this new desire for a son would have cost him the war, for the king left no one in charge of the royal armies and threatened with execution anyone who dared to commit such treachery to take command in his absence, in the next 7 years things did not improve the Prussian armies had become so depleted that they reverted to a system of peasant levy and the state treasury was almost empty, but finally with blind faith he did the best he could do for Prussia, he died, in a fanatical charge with many Prussian nobles charged into the Breitenfeld fields in an attempt to achieve the victory he was so promised, to expel the Catholics from their lands, his father's infallible tactic a cavalry charge against the enemy pikes in the center, this ended horribly, as he and many high commanders of the Teutonic order were struck in the mud where they were turned into porcupines from so many crossbow bolts fired at them.

Friedrich Wilhelm II 1634-1637:

With the death of his father all European monarchs feared/wished the worst for Prussia, a king ascending the throne at the age of 7, not a good omen for one of the longest and bloodiest war fought in Europe, the common thought was that Prussia was doomed, a new eagle without claws , how wrong they were, rejecting the regency and against the warnings of his inner circle he took absolute power and marched to war, the new monarch turned out to be the best general of the century as well as a great statesman, his first acts of government were to go against the legacy of his grandfather, taking loans from merchants and accepting the help of the other countries of the protestant union, with the newly acquired money he hired mercenaries and acquired new armor and crossbows, in 3 months he rebuilt the Prussian army from the ashes of Breitenfeld, maybe not as professional as at the beginning of the conflict, but still, it was possible to give fight, his first combat took place 30 kilometers south of Berlin, the catholic league wanted to give the final blow to the kingdom of Prussia, Friedrich Wilhelm unlike his predecessors despised the direct combat the great catholic army suffered all type of guerrilla warfare, He took advantage of the fact that the imperial army in Germany did not have light cavalry by assaulting the supply train every day and when he saw that the imperial army was totally demoralized and undersupplied he attacked, only losing 30,000 soldiers he managed to kill and capture more than 400,000 soldiers of the Catholic league capturing many generals, imperial princes and nobles, with the great loot he obtained, horses, armor, weapons and gold he managed to restore the professionalism of a small percentage of the army, on his way south he managed to take the castles in record time in some cases only taking 3 days to capture strongly fortified strongholds, with the army of the league in general retreat, Friedrich Wilhelm ordered his horsemen to raze every village they saw (in this Europe it is not normal to plunder villages, as it could trigger a major famine) to force the remnants of the league army to come out and fight, after 1 year he had recovered all the northern territories and reached Munich, with such a devastation of the fields the imperial armies concentrated to give him fight in a final battle to stop the advance towards Vienna, but with the devastation of the area the armies depended on the supply chains that were constantly prey of the attack of the horsemen, the Finns in many occasions managed to enter the camps at night burning the supplies with a high cost in lives, but it was a necessary sacrifice, the great imperial army their greatest weakness was their superior numbers, when they arrived in Munich they found the army of the Protestant league in position with field artillery ready to fire, the imperial army was playing on borrowed time with hardly any supplies they were forced to attack or fall prey to the war of attrition, the day after their arrival on the outskirts of Munich both armies clashed. .............