Army ranks/Weapons

For the work of this story, the European armies are subject to the Spanish tercios modality:

Prussian tercio: 10 companies, 3000 soldiers/210 non-combatants, Role:fight with other tercios, assist in cavalry maneuvers.

-Captain general: generals who are given command of the tercios by the king's mandate, the highest military rank in the Prussian armies, who receive the protection of Teutonic knights as bodyguard.

-Field Master: commanding officer of a tercio (10 companies), the position is given by royal mandate, he is given 8 bodyguards paid by the king.

-Sergeant major: second in command in a tercio, he does not have his own company, but has the power over the other captains. He gives orders to the captains from the master of the tercio, he is responsible for how the men should be formed in battle.

Captain: he is responsible for company (300 soldiers/21 non-combatants) he is the one who decided of which weapon the company was going to be formed, the position is given by royal mandate.

-Ensign/standard-bearer: the one in charge of carrying and defending the company's flag in combat, he has a direct subordinate to carry the flag.

-Sergeant: in charge of carrying the captain's orders, that the company is ready for combat and in charge of maintaining the marching order, each company has 3 sergeants in charge of 4 corporals.

-Corporal: in charge of training the soldiers, making sure that they follow the captain's orders and that they do not create problems, he is responsible for 25 soldiers.

-Pike men: 180 per company

-Doppelsöldner 20 per comany

-Crossbowmen: 100 per company

-Medical corps: composed of professional doctors, in sewing wounds, treating infections and cutting limbs, each company has 5 doctors and 10 assistants.

-Chaplain: for each company there is a chaplain to give faith to the soldiers, teach the gospel, celebrate the holy mass and give the last rites to the wounded and to those who were going to die.

-Furriel mayor/quartermaster(of the whole tercio): the one in charge of lodging the soldiers, in charge of the supplies of the tercio and of the soldiers' pay. He was responsible for the logistical aspects. Each company had in turn a furriel (of 1 company) who was responsible for carrying out the orders of the furriel mayor. Each furriel kept the accounts of the company, the list of the soldiers.

-drums and fifes: those in charge of carrying out the captain's orders in combat by playing their instruments, 4 for each company.

Corps of engineers, in charge of managing siege artillery and field artillery, do not have ranks. 5000 engineers

Cavalry corps: the logistic organs of the cavalry are under the direct control of the king, the pay of the Teutonic order is ad honorem (they do not receive pay, they are only given everything they need).

- Furriel major/ quartermaster, 1 per cavalry unit, 1 furriel/ quartermaster per captain.

Knights of the Teutonic Order: 5000 knights, heavy cavalry (nobles) 400 non-combatants, Role: charge against pike units with little cohesion or face other knights on the flanks.

-grand master of the Teutonic order: supreme commander of the order is elected by vote among all the knights of the order.

-Brother captain: he is responsible for a company of 250 knights, 5 brother sergeants, he is elected by the grand master of the Teutonic order, he chooses the types of weapons with which his company operates.

-Brother sergeant;he is responsible for 50 knights and 2 brother corporals,he is responsible for delivering the captain's orders and maintaining the order of the cavalry charge.

-Brother corporal is responsible for 25 knights in charge of maintaining order and training the knights

-Drums and fifes: in charge of carrying out the captain's orders in combat by playing their instruments, 4 for each captain.

-Medical corps: composed of professional doctors in sewing wounds, treating infections and cutting limbs, each company has 5 doctors and 10 assistants.

-Chaplain: for each company there is a chaplain to give faith to the soldiers, teach the gospel, celebrate the holy mass and give the last rites to the wounded and to those who were going to die.

Prussian heavy cavalry 1000 cavalry, 40 non-combatants. Role: charge against units of pikes with little cohesion or face other cavalrymen on the flanks.

-Cavalry master: commanding officer of a unit, the position is given by royal mandate.

-Cavalry captain: he is responsible for 500 cavalrymen and 5 sergeants.

-Cavalry sergeant: he is responsible for 100 cavalrymen and 2 corporals, in charge of delivering the captain's orders and maintaining the order of the cavalry charge.

-cavalry corporal: he is responsible for 50 cavalrymen, in charge of maintaining order and training the cavalry.

-drums and fifes: in charge of carrying out the captain's orders in combat by playing their instruments, 4 for each captain.

-Medical corps: composed of professional doctors in sewing wounds, treating infections and cutting limbs, each company has 5 doctors and 10 assistants.

-Chaplain: for each company there is a chaplain to give faith to the soldiers, teach the gospel, celebrate the holy mass and give the last rites to the wounded and to those who were going to die.

Prussian light cavalry: 1000 horsemen, 40 non-combatants, role: harassment, attack on supplies, help in pursuit of enemies.

-Cavalry master: commanding officer of a unit, the position is given by royal mandate.

-Cavalry captain: he is responsible for 500 cavalrymen and 10 sergeants.

-Cavalry sergeant:he is responsible for 50 cavalrymen and 2 corporals, in charge of delivering orders from the captain and maintaining the order of the cavalry charge.

-cavalry corporal: he is responsible for 25 cavalrymen, in charge of maintaining order and training the cavalry.

-Drums and fifes: in charge of carrying the captain's orders in combat by playing their instruments, 4 for each captain.

-Medical corps: composed of professional doctors in sewing wounds, treating infections and cutting limbs, each company has 5 doctors and 10 assistants.

-Chaplain: for each company there is a chaplain to give faith to the soldiers, teach the gospel, celebrate the holy mass and give the last rites to the wounded and to those who were going to die.


Finnish regiments, 1000 soldiers, 64 non-combatants, role: infiltration, sabotage, harassment and ambushing retreating units, they use both infantry and cavalry.

-Captain General of the Finns: generals who are given the command of the regiments by the king's mandate.

-Field master: commanding officer of a Finnish regiment in charge of having the necessary elements to carry out acts of subterfuge.

-Captain:he is responsible for company (250 soldiers), he is the one who decided from which weapon the company would be formed, the position is given by royal mandate.

-Sergeant: in charge of carrying out the captain's orders, that the company is ready for combat and in charge of maintaining the marching order, each company has 4 sergeants, he is responsible for 10 corporals.

-Corporal: in charge of training the soldiers and ensuring that they comply with the captain's orders, they are responsible for 25 soldiers.

-Medical corps: composed of professional doctors in sewing wounds, treating infections and cutting limbs, each company has 5 doctors and 10 assistants.

-Chaplain: for each company there is a chaplain to give faith to the soldiers, teach the gospel, celebrate the holy mass and give the last rites to the wounded and to those who were going to die.

Weapons and armor

knights of the teutonic order:

Armor:The knights of the Teutonic order wear full gothic armor and a tabard with a black cross on white, on their sallet they wear horns commemorating the armors of the past, their horses have steel barding.

Weapons: the most used weapons of the Teutonic knights are the maces and axes, although it depends on their captain what weapon they use in combat, the swords are merely ornamental, since they do not serve to pierce the armor, in combat on horseback they carry a kopia a spear of their experience of their campaigns in the east long enough to combat the formations of pikes in a direct charge.

Horse: destrier war horse, standard of the Prussian army.

Heavy cavalry: they wear full gothic armor and a tabard with the Prussian eagle on white, their horses have a steel barding.

Weapons: the most used weapons of the heavy cavalry are the mace and the axes, although it depends on their captain which weapon they use in combat, the swords are merely ornamental, since they do not serve to pierce the armor, in combat on horseback they carry a kopia a lance of their experience of their campaigns in the east long enough to combat the formations of pikes in a direct charge.

Horse: destrier war horse, standard of the Prussian army.

Light cavalry: they wear chain mail and a hardened gambeson with a tabard with the Prussian eagle on white, for the head they wear a bacinet without facial protection.

Weapons: the weapons used by the light cavalry are cavalry crossbows, maces and lance.

Horse: arabian agile horse for attack and retreat missions.

Finnish regiments: do not usually wear armor, never participate in big battles, usually use camouflage depending on the season of the year, in snowy climates they use skies.

Weapons: they use war bows, daggers and a wide range of poisons, but the most used is the poison of the frog Phyllobates terribilis or the poison of the golden poison frog that is bred and fed with the same insects it eats in its natural habitat to generate its famous poison, it is widely used in arrows for the ease of killing soldiers just by entering the bloodstream, this poison is one of the few that could kill a nobleman.

Horse: arabian agile horse for attack and retreat missions.

tercios: the equipment varies depending on whether they are professional men or newly recruited in the religious wars.

The best equipped wear gothic armor complete with a tabard with the Prussian eagle on white (30% of the Prussian army), usually the most armored are the ones at the front of the tercios and the worst equipped in the rear

the soldiers of the middle tercio use chain mail and a hardened gambeson with a tabard with the Prussian eagle on white, for the head they use a bacinet with face protection (40% of the Prussian army)

recruits wear a padded gambeson with a tabard with the Prussian eagle on white and a bacinet with face protection (30% of the Prussian army).

Weapons: Weapons are issued according to their position in the tercio.

pikemen: they receive a pike varying between 3 and 6 meters, a short sword and a buckler.

Crossbowmen: they receive a heavy crossbow, 30 bolts and a dagger.

Doppelsöldner: a Zweihänder long sword, to cut the pikes (the best paid and equipped in the tercios).

Corps of engineers, in charge of managing siege artillery and field artillery, do not have ranks.