Qing Shi Lian

Human life holds significant value, yet it raises questions about the value placed on other living creatures.

For instance, why is it acceptable to exterminate cockroaches, while killing butterflies is regarded as inhumane? 

This debate centers on utility - the usefulness of an organism to its environment.

Researchers and scientists that provides significant positive utility to society are viewed as more valuable than other individuals.

Conversely, those who cause harm or provide negative utility, such as criminals, should be neutralized with urgency. 

Ultimately, the question of whether human life matters is multifaceted and requires an examination of how value is assigned.


Ye Zhao groggily opened his eyes, rubbing the sleep from his face as he looked over at his wife Qing Shi Lan. Ethereal beams of sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow around her delicate features.