Destruction without Violence?

"What in the world is this?" Xia Ying asked with her eyes wide open, her gaze glued on the small metallic black ball with pores on its exterior that Xia Tian had just taken out.

Xia Tian took out a handful of similar shiny black balls, that Zhou Zhizuan watched with equal parts curiosity and apprehension.

She couldn't sense what was inside but the aura around them was undeniably complex.

Without warning, Xia Tian handed one to each of the girls and commanded them saying, "Throw them on the left and you on the right." in the same moment, he swiftly took out more balls and threw them in the middle.

The guards on patrol had noticed the suspicious items falling within their vicinity, and their suspicion grew. One of them frowned, muttering, "What is this now?"

As he was about to pick them up, the pores on the balls released an entrancing pink-colored gas that instantly pervaded the atmosphere, intoxicating everyone in its radius.