Harry Potter and the Adventure of Emotions

Harry Potter lived the life of the rich but not the luxury. Never had he felt the sting of sorrows nor had he felt the spring of joy. Never had he been born with a happy life and yet he stated to himself that this was 'enough'. He lived his life as a pawn and a toy to be abused. Harry Potter knew of the impure side of high society and he knew what the goods and bads are. He knew how to act; an innocent, pure, loving and caring soul.

He lived with his whale of an Uncle, Vernon Dursley, and Thin-as-a-stick Auntie, Petunia Dursley, along with an exact carbon copy of his uncle, Dudley Dursley; his cousin. They were a rich family. Owning up to 25 restaurants and 16  fashion brands and 9 Architect businesses around the world.

Harry, to them, was a pawn and a freak. They hated him but kept him due to his connections and talents of many things including business, designing, science and many more. He knew this. He knew he was not loved. He knew that, without his talents, he is nothing in the eyes of the Dursleys. That, if he never had talents, he would be thrown away. That is what he figured out at the very age of 5, and when he did, he locked away all emotions known to him to the deepest depths of his heart.

Since the Dursleys were quite popular, many knew the name Harry Potter, and many knew he was a prodigy. The Dursleys were forced to let Harry attend Kōdo Ikusei Senior High School, a leading prestigious school with state-of-the-art facilities where nearly 100% of students go on to university or find employment. He was forced to attend at the age of 8 and graduated at the age of ten.

During the years of his life, there were unsolvable accidents such as appearing at a roof top of a skyscraper or sudden breaks of windows. In all the short life Harry has lived, he has always been able to figure things out, but this, this was the only thing he couldn't.

'How am I able to do such things?' It was a question which lingers in his mind , but, being the manipulative person he is, took advantage of that and figured how to control it and started to excelled in many more fields.

Once he approached 11, Harry received a letter inviting him to a-so-called 'Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry'.

How would Harry Potter react to this sudden call for home and an embrace of a heavy title? Will he finally learn emotions of Sorrow and Joy? Or will he ignore it and continue being the puppet he is?