Izuku Midoriya-Potter

It was the end of Summer break, Izuku sat at the dinner table excitedly as he finished off his breakfast.

He then walked back into his room and went to his closet. When he opened it, it revealed a large suit case which took up all the space at the bottom. Izuku proceeded to open it and saw many many old books with odd names, six sets of black robes with an outline of green.There was also a long stick around 12 inches, it was pure black with green vines and one of its end and at the very end of it was a clear white gem which was snaked around the vines.

He closed to case back and locked it and chanted out a word.


The case shrunk into the size of his palm. Izuku picked up the miniscule case and shoved it in one of the pockets of his jeans. He took a couple of clothings needed for the year and closed the closet. He went down stairs and left the house after checking the security. He then began to walk to his high school.


8 year old Deku

"Mom! I'm home!" Izuku yelled as the entered the house and closed the door.

"..." silence. Silence was what Izuku received.

"Right.... She dead..."

He walked inside in silence and locked the door, just then a muffled crash sounded in the living room. He sprinted toward the room and saw a rare sight of a barn owl hung by its feet upside down on the ceiling fan. Its feet had a parcel tied to it which was also tied to the ceiling fan. The barn owl had huge beady eyes with a heart shaped face, it was completely white and it was almost impossible to know the difference between the barn owl and a snowy one. The only thing which MADE a difference was a peach-brown outline.

It was a funny sight.

Izuku quickly snapped out of his trance and went to help the poor bird. After doing so, he took the parcel to which he guessed was his and fed the bird some left over bacon. The bird then left Izuku to himself curling up at the corner of a couch. He then proceeded to open the package which revealed a letter for him and a strange necklace. It's chain was golden and had a pendant with a gold outline and a triangle with a circle in its middle with a line going vertically across it. It also had a deathly blue background.

Izuku placed the necklace on the coffee table and opened the letter.

Dear Izuku Hisashi Midoriya-Potter,

As you are one of the last pureblood descendants of the Peverell line, I would like to invite you to come to our international wizarding bank; Gringotts. You will probably not understand all of this, but, rest assured once you come to our bank we will further explain this unexpected situation.

To get there you are to go to a pub called 'The Leaky Cauldron' located in Charing Cross Road on the West end of London, Britain. Take note that not everyone in the given location's area knows of such place for it is invisible to specific 'species' and you are one of those who CAN see. Once you have reached there, go to the bartender named 'Tom' and ask him where 'Diagon Alley' is and once he shows it to you just go straight and you will see a tall, white, slanted building with our bank's name on it. You should then proceed to enter and ask a worker that you were invited here by a person named 'Griphook'.

The necklace you should have received is something we call a portkey just say 'Aurum Fluens' and you will be transported to London airport; London Heathrow. Small remainder you should pack a couple of necessities such as clothes and money. For this process may take a while.

We hope that you come to us for this is a very delicate topic to talk about in public. We will also have you go through some tests for approval of who you really are.


The Head Goblin; Griphook