Privet Drive Incident


Voldy-no-nose's POV

It was at the night's peak, I walked towards the wretched warded house where Potter lives. I have gotten back my previous body which was my teen version but older. Right now, he and his Uncle is in the house everyone else was out. I brought a couple of my followers mostly from the inner circle; Severus, Lucius, Bellatrix, Pettigrew and Narcissa

"Lucius," I called out.

A taint rustle could be heard behind me getting closer. I then felt a tiny bit above average amount of magic right behind me.

"Yes, My lord?" He is monotonously replied

"...Take down the" I commanded

"Of course, My lord,"

A little while later, I slowly felt wards disintegrate and disappear.

"My lord, the ward have been destroyed"Lucius informed.


Just as we were about to proceed going to the defenceless house we heard a sound of multiple apparitions and swiftly went back into the shadows of the trees on guard thinking it was the Order.

We heard a small muffled rustle and saw four shadows the size of teens creeping up to Potter's house. Once they reached the door and their figures basked into the moonlight, we finally saw who they were, the people who we least expected, The Potter's two best friend; Weasley and Granger along with Longbottom and....


I turned towards Lucius and saw that he too was stunned meaning he knew nothing of this unexpected appearance. I turned back around and watched as the four teens crept up to the door, they began talking in hushed whispers but we were close enough to hear them.

"Come on now! We don't have all night!" Weasley Whisper-shouted.

"Alright! Alright! Just shut it Weasel! We're here for Hazza not you!"

Draco snapped back.

Well that was surprising, due to the fact that Lucius informed me they were rivals ever since they saw each other.

"Oh shut up, Ferret!"

"Boys! Enough already! We have to get in the bloody house now!" Granger barked quietly.


"...unless... you want me to give you to Hadrian to learn a lesson or too?" She said in painfully sweet voice.

We saw that all of the boys paled and the two bickering (now quiet) had owlish eyes and shook their head as if it was the last thing the could do. I swore that one of their heads almost turned a complete 360. I wondered what could possibly be so horrific about Potter teaching a lesson to the point even Malfoy's heir turned sheet white.

Longbottom spoke up trying to change the subject and stay focus on whatever the main thing they needed to do.

"Guys...? I think we should go now... I'm pretty sure we've wasted enough time already. Hades is going to lose control of himself!"

Lose control? Now that is something strange... I took a short glance at my followers and saw confusion written in their expressions.

The teens turned paler that I thought was possible and Granger nodded and turned around to reach the door. She tried opening it but it seemed to be locked. She also tried pick locking it and use some unlocking spells.

Thinking this as an opportunity, I revealed myself and my followers to them by stepping onto the light.

A gasp could be heard. It was Weasley then Longbottom noticed us and stood there in shock. He also turned to Malfoy and tapped furiously on his shoulder.

"Merlin! What is it Longbottom?!"


Draco turned around and looked to where Longbottom looked.


Weasley snapped out of his trance and yelled

"Oi! Shut the hell up! You're going to wake the damn neighbours!"

"Both of you shut up! I'm trying to focus! I know the Dark Lord is here because I can sense Neville shock from a mile away! Now Draco, since you know your father and Dark Lord more please explain as to why we are here!" Granger quietly shouted back.

She went back to try opening the door and Draco proceeded to explain to us.

He told us that they came here due to a problem Potter has to face every year ever since the age of 5 and that it has something to do with the Peverell, the Potter and the Black line being mix together. He explained their current situation and Potter's very vaguely.

I was curious as to why they are doing this and the truth so I told my follower to standby and watch.

After a while, Granger's patience seemed to dwindle to zero and she proceeded to use a silencing charm and used her foot and surprisingly it opened but the door got savagely broken.

My followers and I looked at the teens in shock but looking at them properly, it seems that this was a normal occurrence. So, we brushed it off.

We all walked in and Draco called out to Potter if he was there. We went nearer to the stairs and heard a muffled scream of agony behind the cupboard door under the stair.

Granger went up to see if it was charmed and it is. She surprisingly went up to me and asked "May you please open this door?"

Just as I was about to question her she interrupted me by adding "The door has been charmed by parselmagic and surely you should know how it needs to be opened?" She questioned.

I sighed and walked up to the cupboard and hissed a parselspell and ,to which in my relief, opened.

Rather than reaching my expectations of opening it to just being a tiny room, it opened up to a wide and long staircase leading to what seemed as a basement. Seems like Potter used an expansion charm and built this.

The muffled scream we had heard previously seemed to increase in volume and times. We head downstairs and the teens ,to which we now noticed, had taken their wands out and whispered to each other "Draco, Ron, you restrain Rian and Neville you put up a barrier on us in case he is already out of control. I will give him the potion and Andrea you stay at the living room and set up some silencing charms at the door and and some restraining ones once Rian enters, okay?"

Potter's friends nodded and increased their speed of going down the stairs.

"Now, wait a minute! Who is she?!"

Bellatrix exclaimed in shock.

"Huh? Me? I've been here the whole time though?" Andrea ,from what I've heard, replied.

"Well, anyways. I'm Andrea Lily Potter-Black; younger sister Hadrian James Potter-Peverell-Black!" She told us.

"...Another Potter?!" Lucius exclaimed.

I looked at her properly and noticed she had fire-coloured hair and hazel brown eyes with specks of pastel green. She had thin lips and long eyelashes she had a diamond shaped head and a slightly hourglass figure. She had lily earrings and wore a necklace which had a black string holding a a fire like crystal pendant. She also wore a dark leather brown jacket with a white shirt underneath with colourful flowers imprinted on the middle and wore black jeans with matching shoes.

"Its a long story, best leave it for another day" Andrea mentioned.

We continued walking down the stairs. After who knows how long we finally reached the bottom. The room we got to was damp and dark it had cracks on the cement walls. The teens bolted towards an old charmed double door and the scream got clearer and clearer. It was clear enough to recognise the voice as an adult one.

Granger like previously had no patience on breaking the charm at straight up kicking the doors down.

It seemed that the room we arrived to was a very fancily decorated room; befitting for a powerhouse family it was very luxurious yet not overdone. My followers and I looked around in wonder but quickly snapped out of our trance by an even louder call for death. I saw the five teens disregarded their surroundings meaning they've probably been down here many times. They stopped in front a french-designed emerald-black door that had glowing green vines swirling around its hinges and trims.

Andrea began setting charms and barriers  around the room while Longbottom began setting timed barriers on everyone. Granger took out a kite-shaped vial containing with carmine-red liquid with a tint of orange and yellow on its surface. Draco and Weasley took out their wand in preparation for whatever is to come behind the great emerald-black doors.

The scream sounded again. This time it was very clear; I concluded that it was a man's voice. The shout is right behind those dark great doors.

Granger slowly crept towards the door and opened it the boys being right behind. A smell far too familiar came wafting through the air from the door and got stronger; blood.

Suddenly, the three ran into the room, Neville staying right in front of the door and from what we heard were sounds of a fight. What baffled me the most were the muffles of Crucio and The Killing Curse sounding. Not once had the two teens in the room with us had their guards down.


A huge chunk of wood from the door gets blasted and flies across us smashing into the other end. We felt a huge wave of eerie magic washing furiously through us. We could now see the fight and to our surprise we saw the Potter boy all bloodied up; I doubt that it was actually his. I saw a man to which I think was Potter's uncle, Vermin, was it? There were two dead bodies which one looked like a spawn of a human mating a horse and another was a boy that was almost the exact copy of Vermin.

The boy had been hung by the stomach with organs coming out due to the body being cut in half by the rope and had one of his eyes burned along with the legs which had a thin layer of ,to what I think was, an extremely fatal acid.

While the woman was tied to a chair blindfolded and seemed to be literally eaten in half by to what seemed like a cannibal that was chained and was trying to bite her again, not sure how that happened.

Then there is the Uncle, Potter, while fighting, was still torturing the man. He kept on splashing acid along with using metal whips and knives. The man had worn muzzle that had sharp spikes in the interior so that every time his mouth would move, the spikes would pierce it. His eyes were plucked out and was inside a jar and his arms and legs seemed to be paralysed though I'm pretty sure he could still feel the pain regardless. He had bones pointing out of his flesh and his skull seemed to be close to shattered. He was all bruised and had cuts all over. His fat was cut off.

The next thing my followers and I know, Granger managed to shive the liquid into Potter's mouth by now but just as he swallowed he shoved the girl a side and continued the torture but now the boy seemed to be close to anend. Potter boy uttered a spell which reverses time on an object for a tiny bit, but, Potter's spell felt much stronger. To reverse the time on an object using the spell Potter had cast needed a lot of magic. The less magic someone has the less time it will reverse it can also be use to switch an object but there was very litle information for that part,


Nothing happened for a bit. Until...

"AGHHHHHHHH!" An inhumane screech bursts through the room. I see blood spraying out of his mouth and slowly I see organs come; one by one. Then, after all the organs came out I saw pink fluid running out of his ears like candle wax;... was that his brain? After that, his body did an actual switch. It was a horrific scene. His body switched inside out.

After that was done, everyone stopped and Potter gasped for air and turned around. We see a Cheshire cat like smile painted across his face and a sadistic yet satisfied glint in his AK eyes. There was much more life in them than i have had ever seen from when he is in Hogwarts...