Chapter 2

~ Evelyn De'luca

I was jolted awake by my nightmare, gasping for air and the scream almost ducked in my throat. I was never a screamer. I wish there was an option for that outlet but it isn't available for me.

When I looked around I was tucked into the king sized bed. hmm, it's so fluffy, goddamn, I can live off my entire life staying In.

Even though I want to stay in; I shoved Down the urges before I climbed out of bed, paddling my way out of the room. We're still in plane and when I say this imagine me high on weed cause this men are rich like more than Richie rich cause they fucking have private jet.

I need my own jet too.

To sleep in a fluffy bed maybe?

I shrug as I came across the duo, both were talking seriously like someone is in ICU having last breath in lungs.

"You're awake?" Grandpa said, as he beamed at me like a Christmas tree.

I swear if I hadn't seen this man literally giving death threats to the driver just because of him I stumbled up, I would have passed him as a teddy bear.

It is not the driver's fault that I walked with my shoelace untied.

Is it?

"Nope, I'm just sleepwalking old man," I


The flush passes across his neck as he just stares at me in little disbelief and amusement.

"How much more time will it take?" I asked and took a seat across both of them. Slumping lazily as I spread my legs and sitting at a weird angle where my back would ask for some mercy but I was too comfortable to give her that.

My side is killing me literally.

Both of them just narrow their eyes at me as they see me struggle with position until I find one with my leg swinging over the armrest and my head comfortably lying back.

"What?" I snapped back giving them glare which made them immediately turn their gaze.

"We will be landing in around 30 minutes, it's just a 40 minutes drive home," Foty answered blankly.

"Well, how about if we introduce each other properly?" Grandpa suggested and I nodded.

"Well, I'm Evelyn as you know, and I don't have proper bio data prepared for introduction" I replied, giving a tight lip smile.

Grandpa laughed before he spoke gently with so much affection and love. "You remind me so much of young Alex," he looks at me and then his son fondly.

"As you already know, I'm victor de Luca, I'm 55 and I'm your grandfather, you can come to me if this man here gives you a hard time being your father," he says with some unreadable expression as he casts a glare at FOTY.

"Good, I'll be on your tail with a paper of complaint," I answered with a mock salute.

No shit, I can handle myself, thank you very much.

"I'm Alex, I'm 32 , I'm your legal guardian and your father," he says coldly but his eyes say something else. There was this vulnerability shone in it before it went all blank.

"So who else is at home? Tell me I don't have any bully step siblings to look after, that shit is so ridiculous" I told them.

Foty chokes up at my word and he shakes his head before answering and also his famous death glare which is not giving me any death threats.

"I'm not married yet and never was," he replied coldly.

Seriously, like my mother needs eye check up if she left him on hold or does he left her ? I will ask that later.

"So sad," I said with a sad pout.

"So how was your life back there?" Grandpa asks.

"Pretty much normal?" It came more like a question.

It's was pretty hell fucked up but they doesn't need to know.

"Seeing how many times you get arrested and school suspension, that doesn't described as normal," Foty said, as he narrowed his eyes on me.

"What? I'm innocent, I didn't done anything, they're just like so obsessed with me to put me in trouble,"

He just shook his head like already in disappointed old father mode.

Before any questions could arise the flight announcement came.


Holy mother fucking shittin'

I gasped as I looked at the mansion in front of me.

"Did you guys steal the queen's crown or what?"

"What do you even do for a living?" I asked, even though I have seen them all alert and armed.

I can't pinpoint that fact directly on their faces.

They both stiffen at my question and then answer without missing any beat.

"We have a family empire," Foty answered.

"Oooohk," I drawled out, dismissing it.

It's already dark outside and chilly, my thin t-shirt is doing nothing to keep me warm and I seriously forget how much i am stinking, like bro I didn't get time to shower cause I was kept in prison or how I have to run early.

I look like a homeless kid, compared to the two giant monsters walking besides me.

And then meeting my six uncle is another disaster?

Oh do I forgot to mention?

this grandpa here had sprouts a factory of half a soccer male team in the house.

God, if they're anything like these two then God help me, I'm walking myself into death.

Why didn't I inherit my father's giant height dna, it can be easier but no they keep me at 5'3 is not at all fair.

I ain't feeling like god's favorite child.

We entered the mansion and inside is as beautiful as outside and if not more.

I've seen the mansion like this before but it was almost like a prison for me, the prison which still gives me nightmares and scared me to the death.

I shake away the old memories, paddling my way into the mansion. my shoes make creaking noises every now and then.

"Boys, we're home," grandpa shouts and I just stood, glued in one place.

The different voices yelled through the corridor and door opening and shutting and then there's loud footsteps approaching into the living room.

I Just internally roll my eyes, I just needed this day to be off soon.

"Oh my god, she's so fucking cute," before I can even react there was giant body latch into me, staggering me back but then I was in air, getting twirl around like fucking doll.

What the fuck-

I yelped when I felt the sudden bolt of pain from my side where I was stabbed.

My arms were locked in my side and the only thing I could do was pinch the hell out of this boy cause I have barely any nails to scratch off seeing how often I eat all of them.

He squeals like a cat who is mad at someone for snatching their milk bowl. He immediately drops me off but he was careful to not throw me like a sack of potatoes.

"Owww, you punch me," he cried fakely. He had blue eyes like grandpa.

"You mean pinch?" I snickered at him as I glare at him.

"God, she's definitely Alex's kid" the guy with blonde hair laugh as he came forward and pushing that overly-excited-boy little away.

Jeez, is it that obvious? I muttered with roll of my eyes but apparently everyone has heard it.

Some of them laugh at my misery and even Foty gives out light smile.

Damn, way to make myself lame doofus out of nothing.

The flush run across the tip of skin as I smiled sheepishly at them.

"Boys, introduce yourself," grandpa said sternly as he kept his hand on my shoulder, ushering me towards the sofa. I took the lonely chair and slumping down and they all scattered around.

"I'm Aaron, I'm 18, too young to be your uncle but I swear I'm going to be your favourite uncle, because I'm the fucking coolest in here," the boy who is almost dancing on the toe speaks first. He was the one hugging me.

His word just got him smack from the blonde man.

"Language," he snapped at him.

Like people in this century don't start swearing from the birth itself?

"I'm Xavier, I'm 26, I'm glad you're home princess," the blonde one says warmly smiling at me and it was genuine.

Home? I never had one, despite the ugly feeling sinking it's claw in me, I smile at him genuinely. This seems to make him smile brighter.

"I'm Nicholas, I'm 21, I'm older twin, you can call me Nick," the one who's silently sat speaks. He has book tucked in arm. Nerdy. He smiled at me and I gave one back.

"I'm Luciano, his twin" the other twin grumbled up uninterested and he glare at me hardly.

Bro, who pisses in your dinner?

I glared at him back.

"And just don't come to me if anything happens," he adds with scowl.

"Like I'm dying to be have you on my eyesight? Sure. Pleasure to meet you uncle Lucy," I snapped, sarcastically rolling my eyes.

This seems to piss him off. Aaron whistles which got him smack from Luciano.


"Watch it," he snapped back before he just stand and try to left but grandpa's voice Stop him.

"Luciano De'luca, get your ass back in seat" he snapped at him glaring. He cursed under his breath before sitting down.

"I'm Damon, 23" the boy with powder blue eyes spoke. He was definitely gym freak seeing his muscles.

Damon? Damon Salvatore? I kept my laugh to myself.

Not just him everyone have quite a muscle and damn tattoo inked on skin.

"I'm Silas, 29"

Silas? Seriously now we have doppelgänger ?

ok, so we have triplet who have biopolar personality, second triplet who have odd trio from excited to silent nerd and then my very cold father of the year.

Good, I Just have to survive with those muscles gang for three years if i managed to survive for a week.

"I'm Evelyn as you all know," I said, waving my hand dramatically.

"Hii eve," Aaron said, smugly grinning as he waves back.

Damn, I think he will be my person if I'm living here.

I giggled like fucking child because it was so good I don't remember when was the last time someone was happy and excited to see me.

"Well, it's too late, why don't you sleep, you must be tired princess," grandpa said smiling softly as he looks at me with adoration.

I seriously don't know what I'd done which is making him look at me that way, not in disgust.

It happens, when all of your life people looks at you like piece of dirt.

"Like hell," I muttered, and on clue yawn escape my lips.

"You didn't had dinner, you shouldn't go to bed empty stomach," My Foty said.

"I'm not really hungry," I whined, all I want is to hit on bed.

"What? You can't go to bed with empty stomach, tell me what you want to eat, I'll make it," xavier was all up on his toe for action.

Aw, mama bear.

"I'm really not hungry" I give puppy dog eyes, it always work.

"Don't give those puppy eyes," he says, halfy glaring and halfly looking away.

"What? I didn't do anything," I fake gasp, fanning innocent.

"Fine, but you must have juice before sleep. Not up for discussion" he replied, already making way to kitchen.

"Seriously, who drinks juice before sleeping?" I grimaced, making a face.

Aaron laughs at my misery.

"He's doctor," he says.

"That information really should sent me to hills running for my life," I deadpanned.

"Come on," I grabbed Aaron's hand as I drag him to god knows where but mother trucker is so freaking heavy to drag but he still let himself dragged by me.

"Where's a room?" I asked.

"Upstairs," I didn't waste minutes to spring out on stairs, following his direction, I can almost hear everyone laughing downstairs.

Fucking clowns-

"This one" Aaron said, pointing towards the black door with gold embroidery.

"We really don't know what you like so it's plain but hey- we can go shopping, you can decorate it however you want" he grinned.

The room is plain with royal green and silver theme. It's huge, like bloody huge and beautiful.

"This is so beautiful," I replied, smiling at him genuinely.

"Well, just so you know, everyone is really glad to have you home even though we didn't know you were out there all these years" he laughed at the end.

"Yeah, me too" I lied through my teeth.

"Good night, Ev" He didn't waste second before engulfing me in bear hug.

Damn, I'll almost cry if he keeps doing it.

I hesitantly keeps my arm around his torso and hug him back.

"Good night roonie bean" I replied, giving him Nick name too.

"I might cry, you get me Nick name, yey," he sqeals and I laugh at his dorkness.

After he left, I sat on bed, it's more fluffy and comfy.

I Just sprawled back staring at the ceiling like a creep and counting my breath.

Even though I have slept on plane the exhaustion is still there.

So I just let the darkness consumed me.

I was half sleepy and in dazy haze but I can feel the presence enter into room.

The covers being tucked and warm kiss on my forehead.

"I'm really glad to find you baby," the wintermint smell and that warmth makes me almost safe and think that nothing will ever hurt me, I'll be safe here.

But dude did I say it so soon ?