Chapter 3

~ Alexander De 'Luca

"You alright?" Dad asked, watching me closely as I sat still on the sofa.

"I don't know," I rub the back of my neck in exhaustion.

This day is bizarre, I seriously don't know how to deal with whatever I get to know.

I was in the middle of meeting with dad and Silas, when I got a phone call from the social services, I was stunned when they said do I want to take custody of my child, my little girl?

I wouldn't exactly say that she's a mistake but Lyla, she was just one night hooked up. I didn't believe her when she told me she's pregnant and that child is mine. Don't get me wrong , being a father at the age of 17 wasn't the exact goal of my life, I was in training of mafia, I've always looked up to my father and grandfather, I never really want to be a disappointment to my family. I would have almost believed her if I hadn't caught her cheating on me. I have known her whorish behavior but I tolerate it just because I wanted to find my little sister, my sunshine, and she was the key to grab the information from enemies who kidnap my little princess. It's been years since I saw her, I missed her and I sure as hell not going to give up on finding her.

Dad was so happy, he even threatened that if I don't want to take responsibility, he will. I know the reason, he Misses her too.

I was so shocked when I first met her, it doesn't need a DNA test, seeing how we both look alike.

The only thing that scares me the most is those eyes, her eyes, it's like I was staring at my own soul, but it's far colder and emptier than mine.

For a fact I know Lyla isn't all mother Teresa, she is a very selfish woman and I'm even surprised that she raised my child. After she vanished away from my life I tried to find her. I had my man behind her but he informed me that the baby couldn't survive as it was premature. I had mourned for the loss I never knew existed. That guilt always trapped me, what if that's my child? And today those questions were answered.

Dad is already all teddy bear mode on her, I can't believe him; like man, he's the scariest when he's pissed, obviously after grandpa. That old man is the scariest.

The visit to her so-called home really pissed me off. It stinks of alcohol and cheap drugs. This tainted four wall shouldn't be even approved as a house seeing how they're on their deathbed to fall any second.

Can't expect any good from that bitch but thinking my little girl has to live here, it only just pissed me more off.

My little girl surely has anger issues just like me, but she bites it back. Only her glare is enough, just like me.

And for some reason it makes me smile, like really and genuinely.

Her walls are high up but I will try to make it fall because I Think she already has me wrapped around her little finger.

"Why does she have to live here? She's brat, can't you see?" Luciano grunted in disapproval and I just glared at him.

We don't even know her enough to say that bro-

Maybe fine, she's trouble, I seriously can't say she's purely innocent seeing her all Police records and school suspension. Well, we have to establish a few rules tomorrow maybe.

My inner freak snorted at me, rules and I don't go along so deep down I know; her and rules–

"Watch your words Luciano," dad replies coldly.

"He's Right dad, brat or not but she doesn't belong here, no offense Alex, but you do know we run the mafia and how shit goes-" I cut the damon's word in the middle itself.

"She's staying here and if anyone has objections I- wait forget it. She's staying here." I answered as I stood up and looked at them and dared to defy me with my words.

They just gulped and sat back.


Silas snorted beside me. "Little shit already had him wrapped around her finger"

"Good night" I greeted them before storming to the stairs. I stared at my door and then the door across the hallway.

My feet led me the way until I was at the door.

I entered inside and was surprised when it's unlocked, the light was out, the glass slid open in the balcony and cold air was rushing in. I close the slides and look at the bed.

Her small thin figure sprawled out lazily, I chuckled when I heard her snore while drooling.

So Fucking awwdorable-

I pull the blanket covering her properly and I stare at her for a good minute. I will burn this world down if it's meant to keep her safe.

I bend down and kiss her temple, which has a slight frown. It disappeared and just a small smile appeared on her lips.

"I'm really glad to find you baby," I whispered.

It's the first time in so many years that I went to bed smiling.

~ Evelyn De'luca

I gasped, pushing the blanket away and in hurry I forgot about the wound at my side.

God, when will it heal?

It was another dreadful nightmare, my body was sweating, and my hands were trembling. I just sit there quietly but the voices don't stop.

It stays there, pulling me into endless darkness.

They can't know, they'll hate me if they know who I am.

My throat feels like it's closing in and all dry so I decided to fetch water for myself.

Damn, why is it so freaking cold?

I grabbed the blanket wrapping it around myself as my bare feet didn't make any sound against the marble floor.

I sneak out of my room, it's around 2 am and I don't think anyone will be up at this time.

I still remember the route we had taken at night, thanks to my memory power.

Still that bitch suck at math-

The blanket is kind of moping behind me as I walk down the stairs. Only a few LEDs are lit into the hallway.

I walk into the living room, there are quite three or four doors.

Why the fuck they have to own mansion, it's like mirror house, every door feels same.

I decided to take the right one side door, seeing it's where Xavier disappeared, to bring me juice.

I snorted at fancy-ness when I reached the kitchen.

Uhmm fridge-

I made my way towards the fridge, opening it and I was greeted with so many options. Back at home mom only has a beer.

Once she had muffins stored and I really wanted to taste it, so I stole one but the punishment I received was so bad that everytime I looked at it I stopped breathing.

This is so bad, what if they will also punish me if I steal?

But no one will know?

My stomach growl in an instant, it's more than 24 hours that I ate something. Last night in all jibbies hibbies of being my life upside down I wasn't much hungry.

After debating with myself for the whole two minutes I take the soda and what looks like something delicious, I really don't know what it is. But it looks delicious and cheesey.

I took it and also a soda cane, immediately hiding it under a blanket.

The heavy footsteps approached.

Fucking fuckity defuq-

I hurriedly strolled under the table but it seemed impossible with this big ass fluff ya blanket.

"She doesn't deserve to be here, why don't you understand," the voice strained harshly with so much hatred and I didn't have to guess twice that it's Luciano.

What's crawling under his ass bro?

"I get it your point luc, but you should understand that she's a family now," Damon grunted and I felt the footsteps getting closer to the table.

"What's wrong Silas?"

I yelped suddenly when I felt an arm tugging me out and I was in the air the next moment.

You gotta be kidding me?

"What the fuck?" I can say it's Luciano.

I was shoved harshly on the table and I instantly met with blue stormy eyes.

They caught me, shit.

God, the punishment via these three bipolar gym freaks will definitely dig my grave under six feet in just Seconds.

"Mind telling me what you were eavesdropping on?" Silas asked, glaring at me.

I stuck in words, gripping the soda under the blanket.

"Me?" I chuckled dryly.

"Is there anyone else?" He snapped back.

"Yeah, these two," I said, indicating my chin to Damon and Luciano's side.

"Why are you up this late?" Damon asked, as he took a sip from the beer bottle.

Are they drunk?

"I– I was sleepwalking?" It came out more like a question.

Luciano snorted at my reply.



"Shut up," I glared back at him.

"Lying is bad so you've 30 seconds before I call Alex here," Silas said, taking a seat at the stool.

"I needed water, that's why I came here, but I saw this soda and this weird delicious wrapped cheese roll and I was - hungr- hungry," I wanna kick myself with shuttering. I put the soda down pushing it towards him with that wrapped roll.

"Then why did you hide?" Damon asked.

"I just don't want to disturb anyone," yeah, what a fine lie.

Damon shakes his head.

Silas pushes the wrapped roll and soda towards me, as he puts his beer bottle on the table.

Is he offering me one?

"Eat it," he says. I don't know if he is really serious or testing me by asking me to eat. He is just waiting for me to make some mistake, then he'll definitely snitch on me to Foty and then Foty will be mad and he'll punish me.

You should have think about all this before sneaking out-

This inner bitch has to shut the fuck up.

"You gonna eat or not kid?" Silas asked, narrowing his eyes at me.

I gulped the ball of saliva, picking up the wrapped roll and bringing it to my mouth, ready to be hit by any of them.

I took one bite and waited.

They have started to talk among themselves.

I took another and still the hit didn't come.

I took the soda and gulped the huge liquor.

Uhmm, I literally had forgotten how good carbonate feels-

I couldn't enjoy the taste, as I waited till any of them snapped at me but nothing happened.

I almost finished eating all of it and I didn't climb down from the table to wash my hands or take water. Instead I just swipe it at the end of the blanket.

The glass of water slides towards me and I look upto to see that's Luciano.

Did he just poison it or what?

"It's the last time you'd soda, if Xavier sees you drinking it, he's gonna be really mommy pissed," Damon warned with a dry chuckle.

"You gonna snitch?" I asked, raising my eyebrow at him. Which is a disaster seeing how thick and utterly shapeless eyebrows I have.

"You gonna sneak again?" He asked back.

I just rolled my eyes.

" I wasn't sneaking I told ya" I huff as I wrapped myself against the blanket. Damn, this table really feels comfy to sleep in.

No one asked me to leave and I didn't leave.

Their voices are calm and it brings me sanity that I'm not alone.

It's weird but I hate silence, I hate it cause when it's silent all I hear is those voices, that scream and him.

My eyelids feel heavy as I curl into a ball at the table, letting another darkness take over.